chapter 23: Monstrosity

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      "Are you sure you want to go to school today, I mean after yesterday" growling I looked at my mate. "I didn't have that heart to heart so you could act like I'm some fragile girl afraid of her past" getting out of the shower I wrapped my towel around me. "I don't think you're fragile, I just think that your emotions will be a little more aggressive today" Jackson told me while he pouring mouthwash in his mouth. "I guess a part of me was always scared to know the truth which is why I never told anyone, everyone just thought I was always alone, I know its pretty stupid but I didn't know what to do then, I didn't even tell my own siblings" he looked at me worried. "Don't worry, im not gonna kill anyone" I assured him. "That's what you said before you killed my bird" that was his fault. "How was I supposed to know he was behind me, on the floor at that" he didn't talk to me for an entire week. He knew I would never intentionally kill an animal.

      Jack walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I promise to never let anyone hurt you ever again" I smiled and looked at him through the mirror. "I was young and couldn't protect him or myself, he deserved so much better than what happened to him, Jack he was the only person that kept me alive, I would have done anything to bring him back" I told him. "What do you mean would have, you wouldn't want to see him again" I shook my head. "Its not that, I would love to have Will here with me, but at the same time maybe he made it somewhere better, somewhere he's loved."

      He let me go and I walked into the room to get dressed. "Why do you always were black" I shrugged. "Nice color I guess" I started to get dress when I felt Jackson place a kiss my neck. "I'm not like other wolves Thana" he told me. "I know" I replied "no you really don't" I tilted my head. "What do you mean then" he continued to kiss my neck as he ran his hand up and down my arm. "There are things about my family that no one knows" his other arm found itself around my waist as he swayed us back and fourth. "Not even my father" I raised my eyebrows and turned around to face him. "Like what" shrugging Jackson grabbed a white shirt and slipped it over his head. "Lets just say Zagan isn't the only one after us" I went to ask what he was taking about but Alice called from in the hallway. "GUYS WE'RE GONNA BE LATE" Jackson was looking me dead in my eyes and I tilted my head. He walked towards the bed and grabbed my car keys "your turn to drive."

At School📖📖📖📖📖📖

      "Ms. Winters" my English teacher called "care to tell us what I just said" she fired glaring at me. "Care to tell me why grandfather wants me dead and why my powers are going out of control" I shot back. Ms. Anderson looked at me then shook her head "teenagers and their family problems" I glared at the lady "if I'm not mistaken this is your Pack as well and he wants us all dead" Jackson said from besides me with an angered expression written across his face. I huffed and ran my hands through my hair "I can always take your place if its to much for you" Kayla said with her dumb ass mouth. "You know since your in no place to be Luna or having children. You know wouldn't want to loose them right?" my head shot up and I looked at her. "What did you say to me" I asked felling my body start to heat up. "I mean with what happened to Will and all" anger and shock ran through my body as I stood up and slowly walked over to her.

      Thunder began to crash and lighting struck the ground harder than before when I used my powers. "Who told you that" I wasn't the only one who was effected by her statement Jax was here at this point with just as much anger as I was feeling if not more. "That's my business" everyone in the classroom was frozen in their seats. "Either you tell me or you leave my Pack" I told her bitterly. "How about neither, this was my Pack first and I would be the next Luna if you weren't here" my eyes looked down as I began to laugh. Looking back up I shook my head "you just don't get it do you" I began "I don't care if you were supposed to be the Luna, I don't care if you were in love with my mate, I don't care if you say shit to me or not. Thing is, im the future Luna, Jackson is my mate, and he's never been in love with you." I stood straight and looked outside taking a deep breath to try and not think about Will. I didn't even tell Jackson I was scared of having kids because of what happened with will. So how the hell did she know? "But one thing you don't do is speak about something you don't know shit about" attacking her was my first thought but turning around to face her put another one in my head. What the hell

      I didn't know what to do, this is my first time seeing him mad and also in wolf form. You know those movies and books say that everyone has a beast just waiting for the right moment to come out, well I think his just did and I now know why I've never seen him shift. A huge blood red, almost black wolf with two huge scars going across his back stood in front of me. It wasn't his form that I found monstrous though, it was his face. A scar dragged across from his right eye, which he was blind in as it would seem but you could tell her was able to see, the other eyes was black with golden and white specks. Both of his eyes had these fury golden red slits in them, he was breathtaking. He took a few steps towards Kayla letting out a dangerous growl and I noticed where he once stood where now burning holes. "Jax" I called out but got no answer, more and more steps were took until he was directly in front of Kayla.

      She whimpered trying to back away from him. I knew he would kill her if I didn't do something. "JAX" still no answer, no one has ever been able to fight my compulsion. I remember a long time ago Jackson told me that before his mother and sister died he had never said 'I love you' to anyone, not even when he was little. He told me that once you told someone that you loved them they would become someone you could lose. I knew what I had to do and I was ready for it. Losing him is not an option, letting Zagan win is not an option, Jackson is my life, the only person who makes me feel truly safe, he may be a monster but then again, so am I. Taking a deep breath I let the words flow out of my mouth along with my heart. "Jackson I love you."

Her heart did not come out of her mouth. I also hope this story isn't bad or cringe worthy. But if it is to you, you can always let me know if you got any ideas you think I may like

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Until next time⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

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