Chapter 5: Whatever That Was

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"BITCH IM GON-" I stopped when I realized who it was. Jackson, it was him and he just stood there with an evil smirk on his face. "Gonna what" what the literal hell "what the hell did you do that for" he looked at me like I should already know. "You asked what you had to do to be accepted into our pack so I showed you" I returned his smirk "oh I see now" picking up a couple of cupcakes myself. I threw it at him and it landed all over his face and hair. "You're dead," he said, wiping his face off. "You'll have to catch me first now, won't you? '' I said, taking off my shades and running away. I've only known him for a couple of hours and I'm already getting chased.

Running I had come here back towards the cliff. I stopped but he was like a minute or so behind so I waited for him. As soon as he got close to me I jumped for the second time today. Wow twice in one day I'm just on a roll. I sank down to the bottom then came back up. "WELL ARE YOU GOING TO JUMP IN OR WHAT" I shouted, so he jumped in. We swam and splashed around for about an hour then we sat against the edge of a rock that was under the water. "I know we just met today but can I ask you something probably personal" I asked. "Sure" Jackson told me "you don't get along with people much do you" he looked down nodding slightly. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," Jackson sighed "it's fine I'll tell you" I nodded and he started speaking. "When I was 12 my mother was killed by a rogue when she was visiting her Sister along with my baby sister" what is this thing with rogue wolves and murdering families? "Mines died too, the Alpha of my old pack wasn't the actual Alpha it was my father" something has to be going on, it's too coincidental. "The pack never knew he was the real Alpha because my dad told the now Alpha to act as if he was but he wanted it to become his real place." I knew he was gonna tell me not to continue but I went on. "The Alpha had his wife take all of my siblings to the park except me since I only liked being around my parents at the time. As soon as they were gone he basically tore my parents apart" sad right? "He told the Pack that I had led rouges onto our land" I started laughing "dumb asses were to stupid to think about the fact that I was two years old" maybe they just didn't like my family.

"You want to hear a story my mother always told me when I was little" I nodded and he began to tell me his story. Before he started telling me he pulled me close to him and started moving his fingers through my half dry hair. Conditioner works wonders. "Long ago there was a princess. She was heir to the throne" he started. "One day she was walking in the woods when she found a wolf lying there bleeding out, she tried everything she could to wake the wolf but had no luck. Since nothing was working she thought of only one thing to give him" I wouldn't tell that to my kid but okay. "What was it?" Wow, it was already dark how long have we been here "her blood" he said.

"She fed him some of her blood and strangely it worked. She lifted him up and took him back to the castle. She carried him to her medical center and waited with him to be treated" I was going to listen to the rest but I felt like this story had some weird life lesson in it. I pushed his face lightly so he was looking into my eyes. "Are you-" he couldn't finish since I started to kiss him. It wasn't one of those relationship kisses it was like 'this is just something I really needed right now.' "I'm sorry I just had this urge" I told him. "Its normal for mates" his lips were soft and plump. I sat on top of him and deepened the kiss. I didn't know what came over me it just happened. It was way too early to even think about liking or loving him but I was feeling something good towards him. I felt him get hard and I laughed "hard already you could at least take me on a date first" I said "I bet I could last way longer without kissing or making out with you" I said challenging him. "Do you want to bet on it? '' he answered. "If you win I have to get a tattoo of your choice" he raised his eyebrow "and if you win" he asked. "You have to do whatever I want you to for a month" I said. "Do we have a deal? '' I asked, holding out my hand, "deal" he told me. "But that starts tomorrow" I said, laying him down to finish what I started.

Cool I guess..... Who do you think will win the bet?

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Until next time⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

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