Chapter 25: Cold

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      "Thana stop" Jackson said trying to pull me out the bathroom. "But its cold out there" I whined. How the hell am I cold if I'm not only a werewolf but a creatures straight from hell? "I feel like I've been trapped in ice my whole life" Jackson huffed and picked my body up. Wrapping my legs around his waist he walked me over to the bed and laid me down. "You need to get dressed" I shook my head "how about you get dressed and then come make me warm?" It felt like it was zero degrees in here "can you turn the heat up" I asked shivering. "Thana its all the way up" so why am I so cold?

      "Im staying inside all day" I announced walking out of the closet. I know you may be wondering why its snowing at the almost beginning of summer. Well once every month the witches puts up a spell to make sure no unwanted guest crosses the border, Grandpa Evil. Which has me thinking, how was I able to get into their territory? "Thana we have things to do" why does he always make me do stuff? "I'll go" he let out a relieved breath "if you kiss me" hehehe. "You want me to kiss you" well duh "yup" his eyes lit up and I tilted my head. "I don't think you know what your saying Thana" he slowly made his way towards me. "I want you to dye your hair blue, remember from our bet" I said backing up a little bit. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him "you sure that's all" he placed a kiss on my neck and I shuddered. "Jackson" I warned "yes Thana" I need an excuse. "Are you a virgin truthfully" good enough for me "yes I am" he said pulling back with a confused expression written across his face. "Why" my body got cold again and I started to shiver.

      "Are you okay Thana" I waved him off and wrapped my arms around myself. "Jackson please tell me you see that" I said pointing to the words behind him written on the walls in red. "Im coming for you Aria" I backed away further as Jackson let curses fly from his mouth. "Jackson what's happening" I asked but he didn't answer. I started to fall but he caught me before I could. "Thana its okay" he soothed "relax" I started taking deep breaths until I was calm. "We need to get you to my father" he carried me downstairs into Alpha Ace's office.

      "What happened" Ace questioned looking at us. "He's found her" who's found me? "Are you sure it was him" Jackson nodded and I could feel his anger flowing through me like waves. "Jackson look at her eyes" Jackson looked down at me with wide eyes. "What's happening to me" I felt weak and drained. "We need to get her to that castle" Ace said urgently. "What if she's not ready" I've never heard Jackson sound so vulnerable. "We don't really have a choice do we" I heard the doors open as saw Alice with Jaiden, Ariella, and Stella behind her. "Sir we can't take her there if she isn't ready" my body started shaking and I couldn't help but scream out in pain. "MAKE IT STOP" the pain I felt was unlike any other. "We need to go now" Jax sounds more like he's from hell than I do. "Son I need you to relax, she's in enough pain, she doesn't need your anger making it worse" suddenly we were outside.

      "Get her in the car" I was rushes into my GMC sierra white truck, which was bought for me and Ari to share. "I've got you Thana" I let out another scream and Jackson pulled me closer. "We need to get Angel" Jack let out an animalistic roar "THERE'S NOT TIME" I grabbed his phone and began to dial my brother's number with shaky hands. "He's the only other one who can help her" I felt Jackson take the phone and talk into it as my brother picked up. "He'll meet us at the border, GO" the car sped off faster than ever. "Its a good thing I added all those miles on here" I said with a painful chuckle. "Thana I swear nothings going to happen to you" I smiled lightly. "I know, I have you" I felt something wet fall on my face and I looked up to see Jackson crying. "Don't cry" I stated trying to sound strong. "I'll kick your ass if you don't stop" I frowned seeing more tears silently fall down his face. Reaching up to touch his face he grabbed my wrist but I used all of my strength and yanked it away. "Stop that Jackson" seeing him cry made something in me snap. "STOP JACKSON" Woah, were did that come from. "I can't lose you Thana, I love you."

      Minutes later the car stopped and I felt the color air biting at my skin. "Angel we need you to shift" bones began to break then a fluffy and dark wolf was on me. "Hey big bro" I said lowly as the truck began to move again. He let out a whimper and I rubbed his head softly. "Im going to kick everyone's ass if you don't tell me what the hell is wrong with my baby sister" Sarah's here. "Its a long story" Ace began "and it all started with your parents" I was curious to hear this but I was to tired. "Sleep Thana, sleep" Jackson said placing a kiss on my forehead.

      "Lets go, we need to get inside" I wanted to ask where we were but I couldn't find my voice. "THE WATER GET HER IN THE WATER" I felt myself being placed in the water and my eyes went wide as I tried to get to the surface. It was like I was trapped in a box, unable to move. I wanted to cry out for help as I started to spin continuously in the water. It began to glow and turn blood red. Is this how it ends. Is this the way I die.

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