Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I wake up finally by myself. Never done that the past few weeks. I roll over to where the window was and look out it. The sun brightly singing over the hills of trees and mini houses. I yawn and stand up from the bed. My feet wriggle as I walk out the door. I shut it slowly behind me looking over the staircase. I see no one but shoes and clothes hanging around.

'Girls don't get out of bed till I wake them up' I jump, spinning to my other side as James stands there drinking from his cup.

'I'm sorry' I say start to walk back to the room.

He grabs my arm and turns me. Locking me between the wall and him he places his cup on the stairs case. He takes my hands in his and brings his head to mine.

'I won't be like Harry' he whispers as I take in the breaths of James'.

'That's what I promise you' he says again rubbing my pointer finger and kissing my forehead.

'Have a shower and take your time getting ready. See me in my room at 10. Okay?' he says pointing at a room across from mine and starts waking away grabbing his cup and drinking it while walking downstairs.

I grab my door knob and walk in the shower. Letting the warmth hit my body and I sit on the floor just going over the things I did with Harry.

'For a 17 year old you have a lot of experience' he chuckles as he fingers me to go towards him.


'Keep it in, keep it in' he smiles and I can't hold it in anymore I shake my head fast, 'okay breathe it out'


I see him on his phone on the bed and I throw my clothes at him. I stare at him standing there with an angry face on me. 

'Don't play with me' he stands normally letting the clothes fall off him.


'She was never yours in the first place' Harry says shaking his head.


'Don't play this game on me' he pushes me to the door and puts his leg in between my legs.


'Do you want to tell the police about us again?' he knees again and I feel something uprise up from my stomach.


He backs away and turns me over. I spread open my legs for him to go inside and rests his hands on my sides as he is kissing down my neck and stopping at my shoulder.


'You are mine. Your no one else's' he whispered, touching the stains.


'I love you' he says like I'm his special little girl.


We have our backs both on the side of the tube with our feet both hanging off the other side.


'None of that was true, sweetheart' he looks at me, sounding and looking seriously. 'Baby, I love you' he whispers grabbing my hands, unsure if I would take it.




'If you don't tell me what you read, your face will be implanted into this bark. What did you read?'


He smashes my face on the tree. I yell a little feeling the pain run through my head.


'You don't deserve me'


'HARRY NO!' I scream.


'I hate you Harry' I whisper feeling my body become numb and I feel the blood rush to my head.


I wake up in a blue room with a beeping next to me. I slowly roll my head over and see an empty bed next to me. The sheets were ruffled and folded. Was there someone in that bed?


'So, um, where's Harry?'

Everything happened so quickly. All I thought was like a slide show through my head of him and the moments in my life when we were together. It was different and it all escalated quickly. Hate, love, now hate. What was this? The next stage love? I don't think so. Why did I like him in the first place?

I put on some clothes and walk into James' room. I knock on the door and he comes to it greeting me in. When I walk in I see papers on his bed and two pens.

'We both have to do paperwork and you need to tell me about yourself before is start anything to do with no clothes activities' he says sitting down on the bed as I follow after.

He takes the pens and passes one over to me. I grab it and cross my legs.

'All you have to do it answer the questions and sign where it says to sign' he gives me my papers. 'Simple.'

I nod my head and start working.


I was done and I gave him the papers and the pen back to him. He slides his eyes over the sheets and smiles.

'So you are a virgin?' he says as I nod. 'Great'

'Okay, so you have to show me your skills with the pole. Yes, Harry has told me how you are but got to see it to believe it' he says getting up as I follow him into a room.

I investigate it. A pole is in the middle of the room and a chair in front of it. Then a lamp in the corner and a cupboard next to it.

'So I strip on it?' I was pulling my hand down it and looking at him sit on the chair.

'No. just show me what you can do' he says making himself comfortable.

My heart starts to pound against my chest as I grab the top and pull myself up and turning upside down it. All I remember is showing the exact same movements to Harry.

I take hold of the pole and I pull myself up and swing myself up showing myself to Harry. I watch as his smirk is growing and so is my height. My body is soon stopped at the same time as the music stops. He smiles and claps.

But this was different. This showed more of my body and more of my moves. More of the grinding and more of the rubbing. The twerking and shaking.

Once I'm done he is seemed pleased.

'A show is on at 6 you better be prepped and ready. A chance Harry will be there' he says taking my hands in his as we walk into another room that was downstairs. Girls and men were in here. Men watching the women do the girls make-up. I get a chair and they start on me.

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