FLITC | The Heart Accelerations

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FLITC | The Heart Accelerations

"Okay class, if you have ten apples and you give nine away, how many apples do you have left?" Ayana asked standing near her Smart-Board with the question projected out on the screen. The red vivid apples were seen big enough so everybody could see them.

In just a millisecond later the whole entire class erupted with the answer, "One apple!"

Ayana tapped the next slide, "Well..what about this?" It then showed ten apples minus ten apples. One girl raised her hand and Ayana called on her. "Yes Jessie?"

"Would it be zero apples?" The little brown skinned girl asked timidly.

Ayana nodded, "Yes, you are absolutely right."

"Good job Jessie!" Some of her classmates congratulated, and that alone made Ayana smile even bigger.

As the lesson went on the class got better and better at subtracting objects. Their unit right now was to simply teach them the rules of addition and subtraction. If there was shapes involved then there would be, and if it was just regular numbers—like the rest of the other boring teachers were doing right now—then so be it. But Ayana wanted to make this fun, so she tried her best.

Ms. Baker was so deep into her lesson that she didn't even hear her classroom door opening. All of the kids converted their attention away from the lesson to a man dressed in a suit with a basket of goods in his hands.

Ayana turned around to her class seeing that she had no eyes on her, "Hey, why isn't nobody paying attention?"

Soon, all their little hands started to point at a direction. When Ayana followed where they were pointing at then she nearly had a damn heart attack.

"Happy Valentine's Day," Justin spoke with a cheesy grin on his face, eyes twinkling and all.

He stood there looking so damn good. The black suit he had on make him look so attractive and it fitted his body perfectly. With his blonde hair shaved low and those round nerdy glasses on his face it made Ayana want to fling herself at him in front of the whole entire class. He was such a beautiful man to him.

"They let me off work early so I just knew that I had to get you something. I owe you literally everything..and you know that I would give you the world if I could," Justin spoke sincerely, taking her hand and rubbing it smoothly with his thumb.

The whole entire class watched with open mouths and gleaming eyes staring between the couple. And quite frankly, this was their first time seeing Ms.Baker's boyfriend after hearing about him so much.

"That is so sweet," Ayana gushed feeling her body becoming limp at his words.

"So..this is all for you," Justin lifted up the Valentine's basket filled with all the red roses, lots of chocolate and peanut candy, and a white card on top of it. The class of course awed and giggled at the interaction between the cute couple.

Then suddenly the bell rung, indicating that the first graders had lunch and recess.

"Okay class, when you come back then we can start our Valentine's Day party!" Ayana reminded them with a wide smile on her pretty face, and with that being said all the kids cheered and left.

Justin could see that she was happy and that made him feel happy too. He watched how she gushed at the basket of goods he had made for her. And as she slowly picked up the card his heart had sped up and his hand reached to his side pocket.

Ayana skimmed over the card written in Justin's handwriting. It talked about how much he loved her and that being with her for two years has finally made him realize that something very important was missing. And as she kept going then she finally came to a halt when she saw those four letters at the bottom of the card.

Will you marry me?

Not only did her heart drop but the card also fell from her hand too. She had to sit the basket elsewhere—before she dropped that too—and blink a couple of times at what she saw in front of her.

There was Justin on one knee, a black velvet box in his hand and a soft smile on his face. He then asked, "Will you marry me Ayana Reid Baker?"

A few tears fell from her dark brown eyes as she nodded her head, "Y-Yes," she croaks.

Justin took her hand, sliding the classy diamond studded ring on her finger. He stood up to his feet and he automatically felt Ayana's squeezing him tightly.

"God, I love you so much," Ayana says in his chest. Hearing his heartbeat accelerate as she said those words assured her that what they had was raw and real.

"I love you even more now that you're marrying me," Justin replied with a super corny grin on his face.

She couldn't help it but she look up at him and feel so blessed. Ayana loved this man to bits and pieces. It seems like nothing could separate them and their love. Just thinking that Ms. Baker will be soon Mrs. Bieber made her lips curl up out of pure joy.

"You're my everything," Justin whispered looking down at her. "And don't you forget it as long as you're with me."

Slowly, their lips connected in the sweetest way possible. Justin snaked his arms around her waist and made them travel south down to her ass. He pushed her up against her desk in the heat of the moment, hitching her leg up so he could press his hardness against her own clothed heat, earning a soft throaty moan from his fiancé as their lips never seem to leave each other.

Ayana held onto the edge of her desk tightly as he opened her legs wider, the dark red skirt she was wearing was now rising up her to show that her lace panties that were becoming soaked. To much desire Justin wanted to eat her out on her desk right here and right now because he was craving something sweet.

And no, it wasn't candy.

He knew better and she knew better too. But that still didn't stop from hooking his index fingers around her underwear and pulling them down her ankles.

"I'll be keeping these until you get off work," Justin whispered in her ear seductively as a cocky smirk made its way on his face. He balled up the fabric and stuffed it in his pocket. Right before he left he gave her another kiss. "See you later baby." He then sent her a flirty wink before walking out the classroom.


almost done with this book 😭❤️ & aye there's another time jump next chapter so read carefully .

- BookOfBandz

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