FLITC | Before The Blizzard

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FLITC | Before The Blizzard

It was getting bad outside, and that was just an understatement. The winds had picked up and heavy snow was blowing hard onto Justin's face. With the dark thick blanket protecting him from the cold it was no longer helping. Last year, he barely experienced any snow but this was just on a whole different level. He rather be inside wrapped up in thousands of blankets but instead he was out here on the streets with barely anything. The streets were almost empty and the nearby businesses' lights were completely out. He was totally alone.

"Can you please help me?" Justin begged to a random woman walking on the sidewalk.

"I'm sorry honey, I have to go," she says with a fake smile before walking quickly away.

Justin sighed deeply, on the verge of crying if he had to stay out here. He knew that when the blizzard came he was going to die. No one was going to help him now, it was too late. Justin had a feeling that this was just going to be the end of his life. He had nothing to live for, he was useless, and he was pathetic.

He thought about Ayana and what she could be doing right now, envisioning her beautiful face and perfect eyes. She helped me two times, maybe she could help me again, he thought. Maybe she'll come for me, he hoped. The food she had gave him was lasting well, but he didn't feel like eating especially with this snow falling down. It was just too cold and he could barely feel his hands to do anything. What is the point of eating when I'm gonna die anyway? He thought. There's no point for me living, I might as well give up.

"The people of ChiSha needs to be indoors, because when that blizzard hits in less than thirty minutes then it's not gonna be nothing nice," says the meteorologist on the TV.

Ayana blew some air from her lips, making her curls go up then back down to her face. She was in her apartment after grocery shopping and running some errands. Outside, she could already see the snow blowing in the wind. Her apartment was warm and she was grateful that the heater didn't take forever to kick in. What she wanted to do was to sleep the storm out, but she couldn't.

She thought about Justin and how he was holding up outside. Ayana felt bad that she didn't even visit him today; she wondered if someone at least gave him a few bucks to buy some food or even gave him another blanket. In the back of her head she wanted to know that he was okay, but the other half of her told her that he was probably doing fine. But on second thought there was a damn blizzard heading their way, ready to freeze everybody who dared to be outside when it came—so he couldn't be okay, Ayana thought.

Quickly, she raced to the door in nothing but her pajamas and cozy slippers. She had grabbed her keys, phone, and jacket before she left her apartment, not entirely realizing that she left her front door unlocked but she'll be back later anyways.

She jogged down three flights of stairs until she made it to her car that was almost piled up with snow. With her bare hand she moved some away, mumbling—not so bad—curse words like 'frick, it's so cold'.

After she got some snow off her windshield she got in the car, started it up, and drove to town.

Luckily, the roads weren't that bad as she expected them to be. There was barely any sleet on the streets which was a blessing or else she would be slipping anywhere and everywhere. Everything was pretty dark, except for some streets lights and the bright white snow falling in the view.

When she finally pulled up to the alley she noticed a body leaning against the wall, snow surrounding it and wind blowing harshly towards it. Ayana kept her headlights on so she could see once she got out her car.

Ayana went to Justin, grabbing his arm despite his grumbling.

"Just..just let me be," Justin grumbled halfway in his sleep.

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