FLITC | An Edible Package

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FLITC | An Edible Package

Being very quiet and having social anxiety made Ayana an easy target growing up. She wasn't busy do what everybody else was doing, but instead she was more to herself and observant to what was going around her. Ayana was the baby out of her four older siblings; they would call her Little Baker. She didn't cause any ruckus, she didn't get in trouble a lot—well except that one fight in the 10th grade where she got suspended for beating up a girl badly—and she was so sweet. Ayana was close to perfection.

Sadly, she knew that she wasn't perfect, she will never be perfect, and she wouldn't strive to make herself seem perfect because she really is not. Ayana might have gotten straight A's, stayed out of trouble, and did the right thing but that is just who she was and she couldn't really change that unless she wanted to. She didn't like school growing up because of the people who made fun of her dark skin and speech issues. Ayana soon came to a real understanding that people are just cruel and she shouldn't care what anybody had to say about her.

Now that she is all grown up she realized how far she has gotten despite all the bullshit she has gone through. All the bullies in school and all the doubts coming from some of her family members didn't matter to her anymore. She was just a few steps closer of becoming a school teacher and she couldn't wait to make an impact on the little kids she would be around. God knows that she'll be so happy if she starts teaching by the start of next year in January, or the following school year in August. She couldn't wait.

Ayana even decided that maybe her application could wait a little bit longer. When she got back to the cafe she had a very small panic attack when she got back onto her laptop; afraid that if she submitted this application then the school would reject her. So she grew insecure and decided to just do it later when she felt a little bit more confident. Ayana left the cafe and went back home, read some books, binged watch some TV shows on netflix, ate some food, and called it a night. But of course having Justin on her mind.

That's what she thought about the moment she woke up the next following morning. It was roughly about 10am in the morning and she slowly started to worry about him. She knew that the food she gave him yesterday morning wasn't going to last him all day till overnight, and she prayed that somebody had at least gave him some food later on that day, but she had no clue what happened after she left. Maybe if she paid him a visit today then maybe she wouldn't be worrying so much, so she decided to get up and go see him.

When she got done sprucing up she made her way down the hallway of her cozy apartment and into the kitchen. As much as she loved eating her favorite—unopened—snacks she knew that they would do someone else some justice. So she grabbed a cardboard box from her small pantry and started putting all sorts of edible foods inside of it, along with napkins, paper plates, paper bowls, and some plastic silverware for him to use.

"Oh boy," Ayana realized that she had gave him mostly everything she had, but she just shrugged it off, not caring because she needed to go grocery shopping anyway. She didn't know what he liked exactly but she hoped that he liked at least something in this box.

But right before she left she made him some tea and poured it in a tall blue coffe cup that had a lid, she didn't use it much anyway.

So after everything was taken care of she hauled the box of foods down three flights of stairs and into her car. Not too mention how freezing it was today; it felt like it was ten degrees colder than it was yesterday. She prayed that he would be alright.

After driving a little bit faster than usual she made it to the place where she found him yesterday, and he was in the same spot.

Getting out of her car she grabbed the box of foods and supplies before walking over to a sleeping Justin, who's dark eyebrows were pinched together and the blanket she gave him was up halfway on his face. She didn't really want to bother him, so she placed the box of food next to him and left without a trace.


things are going a bit slow right now ik , but that's because i want you guys to know ayana better as a person . but the next chapter will focus on more of justin's side & his story .

- BookOfBandz

found love in the cold | justin bieberTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon