FLITC | 21 Questions

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FLITC | 21 Questions

"Let's play a game," Justin says suddenly.

Ayana took her attention from the book she was reading and looked at Justin, "Does it involve physical activity?"

"No, I can barely move," Justin chuckles at her adorableness. "It's called twenty-one questions."

Ayana placed her bookmark in her book before she closed it and placed it on the coffee table, she faced towards him on the couch with her legs crissed-crossed, "Okay, I'll play."

"You ask twenty-one questions about me and I'll answer them honestly, then I'll do the same to you," Justin explained to her.

So Justin asked various questions like where she grew up, her name, her family, and what she likes to do etc. Even though she found a hobby of reading books he found it cute. She was a smart girl that was so soft spoken and shy. Ayana told him about her becoming a teacher and that's when his heart pretty much melted. Telling him that she wanted to teach and help kids that were like her years ago. Just by her talking Justin came to a conclusion that Ayana Reid Baker might be the sweetest girl he has ever met.

"Okay, you're turn,"  Justin says after she answered his final question.

"I d-don't know what to ask," Ayana says biting her bottom lip nervously and looking down at her cheetah print pajama pants.

"Just ask anything on the top of ya head babe," Justin says cooly.

Ayana flushed at the little pet name. Making him realize what he had said because she wouldn't have just start smiling like that for no reason. He now knew that she liked being called that.

"Sorry," Justin stammered nervously scratching the back of his neck, even though he didn't want to apologize. "It slipped."

"It's fine," she whispers blushing harder than ever.

"You can ask me a question now," Justin hums wiggling his eyebrows at her.

"Oh um..what's your name?" She finally asked.

"Justin Drew Bieber," he tells her.

"That's nice," she gushed liking his name.

"Thanks," he smiles—something that he hasn't done in so long, and now that he is here with Ayana it made it ten times better.

"Favorite color?" She asked.

"Purple," he says without hesitation.

She nodded, "Lefty or righty?"

"Both," he told her.

Ayana squinted her eyes at him, looking adorable, "Impossible."

He chuckled, "I write with left and do other things with my right."

Ayana found Justin quite the alluring guy. He was goofy and seemed really talented—like being both right and left handed, it amazed her. She didn't ask too many deep questions that related on how he ended up living on the streets because it wasn't her place to ask those type of personal questions. Ayana kept it simple and sweet, getting to know him better as a person than as a homeless junky who didn't have a life. She admits that he kept her good company and she liked how giddy he made her feel, she liked him being around.

"I wonder how it looks outside," Ayana said more to herself as she got off the couch and made her way to her apartment window, and from the third floor all she could see was snow.

Justin manned up and stood to his feet on his own, cursing to himself that caught Ayana's attention but he put his hand out, "Don't help, let me walk."

She stayed silent as she watched him limp his way over to her, and no matter how bad she wanted to help she had stayed put.

One foot at a time he walked over to the window where Ayana was, trying to walk on his own and he made it there successfully without falling. It has been almost forever since he had walked on his own.

"You okay?" She asked softly with concerned eyes. "I-I have some joint pain if you w-wanna take some?"

"I'm fine, I promise," Justin took her dainty hand in his rough ones, bringing it up to his lips and kissing the back of her hand. "Thank you for everything honestly."

Ayana felt her knees buckling and her toes curling. He was now holding her hand, not breaking eye contact.

"Thank you so much Ayana," he whispered once again before kissing her forehead sweetly, hoping that this would show her how grateful he is that she came and saved his life.


- BookOfBandz

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