FLITC | Warm Car Heaters

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FLITC | Warm Car Heaters

"Frick!" Ayana—somewhat—cursed as she hit her pinky toe against the wall that was by her connected bathroom. It's what happened when it was dark and she didn't have her glasses on. She was always a clumsy little thang when she couldn't see that well.

It was about seven in the morning and Ayana had just woken up from her peaceful slumber. The sky was full of powered covered clouds. I need to remember that it's pretty much winter, she thought. Im not gonna be seeing any blue skies or any happy birds chirping anytime soon.

After doing her morning routine she got dressed and she made her way downstairs to fix herself some breakfast. When she was really busy she forgot to eat sometimes, but her stomach was begging for food to the point that she couldn't ignore it anymore. So she made herself some hot waffles with lots of syrup, scrambled eggs, and a cup of sweet chocolate milk. Ayana walked in her cozy living room, turning on the tv where her favorite local news station was on, explaining how bad the weather would be getting. She pushed her glasses up and listened to the metrologist she found oddly hot.

"The small city of ChiSha will be getting the first major hit of the blizzard headed in that direction tomorrow evening," says the young dark haired weather news reporter guy who pointed in the middle of the small city that she lived in, he then continued with saying. "ChiSha people I need you all to stack on food and supplies...because this blizzard will be dangerous and deadly."

Ayana took a bite of her waffles, listening and looking at the changed TV screen that was showing the temperature and the current windspeed. She felt a little nervous about the blizzard.

Not only was there going to be piles of snow all the up to the third floor of her apartment—maybe that was a little too dramatic—but she worried about the people who couldn't get inside and be safe. She worried about Justin and how he had nowhere to stay.

It broke her heart..knowing that he would have to be alone during this blizzard. She prayed that someone would take him in before tomorrow evening because it would be so horrible for him to be out in the bitter cold with nothing. Ayana did not want that for him.

After not much thought she pretty much stuffed all of her food down her throat before going to her room to get dressed into something warm. She decided that she would go the the cafe and get Justin some food for today. It was her third day in the row giving him what he needed and she didn't mind one bit. There wasn't many people like her; she was absolutely selfless and considerate, it was like her human nature.

When she made it down to the cafe she noticed that there was a long line. She sighed and decided to go to her favorite corner of the cafe and get on her laptop. Going back to the website she was on not too long ago. Wondering what schools would hire a young black woman to teach at their school.

Her anxiety started to take over her emotions as she kept scrolling and scrolling down the list of open available spots for her. If this was the last time she could submit an application then she would have to wait. Maybe after the blizzard she would finally have enough confidence to follow through.

Once the line was cleared Ayana packed her things back in her satchel and went up to the cash register.

"Hi, you're back! What can I get you?" Asked Caren with a sweet smile on her face.

"C-Can I have two of your large omelets, three bagels, and t-two cups of hot cocoa please?" Ayana ordered.

"Sure, that will be $20.16, is that all?" Caren asked after punching in the order.

"That'll be it," Ayana searched for her wallet in her boot—because she liked keeping it there—and handed the lady a twenty dollar bill along with a one. "You can keep the change."

"Thank you, your order with be done shortly," Caren smiled before turning away.

Moments later her food was being handed to her, she grabbed some cream cheese for the bagels and some forks for the omelets. Ayana made her way out the cafe to where Justin was at, just looking off into space.

"Hey there," she says softly, barely catching his attention. "I g-got you some food."

"More?" He asked frowning at her, he then glanced at the box from yesterday. "I barely had time t-to eat what you gave me."

It kinda made her smile when she realized that he knew that she had given him the box of food. Makes her know that he is appreciative, but she didn't need to know any of that because she did it out of the kindness of her heart.

"Still, I got you something," Ayana shrugs then offering her hand out for him, she watched how he eyed her hand hesitantly before he took it. She helped him stood up to his feet then gave him a soft smile. "It w-would be better if we ate in m-my car..it's um..warm in there."

Justin nodded silently, to busy trying not to groan and hiss at the pain that he felt in his body. His bones ached and his muscles were super tense. And if she would have let him walk on his own then he probably would've collapsed.

Luckily, Ayana didn't let him go until he was settled in the passenger seat of her car. She made sure that he was comfortable before she made it to her side. Getting in and turning on the heat.

"Thank you so much," Justin spoke softly after a while of silence between them, his hands in front of the heaters in the front seat. "You..you don't know how long it's been since somebody has helped me."

Ayana looked at him with sad eyes, but she still managed to give him a tight lipped smile, "I'm glad I-I could help."

"W-Would you have done t-this to anybody?" Justin asked nervously, his head going down to his lap.

"I would," she says with a big sigh. "But I saw you..a-and I just w-wanted to help."

Justin looked over to the girl, his eyes almost shimmering as he stared at her, "You're a really sweet girl Ayana."

Ayana found herself biting her bottom lip, trying hard not to smile. She simply passed him the food to distract herself from his nice compliment.

"Thank you again," he says chuckling slightly; the deepness that rumbled from his chest sent chills down her spine even though the heat were on.

She gave him everything else in the food sack and kept a hot cocoa for her. They ate and sipped in silence.

All until Justin became paranoid and insecure.

People walked passed Ayana's car, of course looking through to see who was in it and giving her a dirty look without her even noticing it. They knew that Justin rarely left his spot, and to see him in this girl's car made him feel terribly guilty that he has put her in this position.

"Maybe I should go," Justin says suddenly, making Ayana frown at him.

"Why do you have to go?" Ayana asked him softly. "I-I don't have to go..you can stay w-with me a l-little bit longer Justin."

"People are looking at you weird and I don't want them to get the wrong idea," he mumbles putting his small food tray back in the sack, twisting it up so it won't let the heat escape out of it.

"Wrong idea for what?" She grabbed his wrist, looking sad and confused. "That I'm helping you?"

Justin took his hand away from her grip and got out of the car without another word.


i'll be updating soon !! don't worry 😚 .

- BookOfBandz

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