FLITC | On Christmas Day

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FLITC | On Christmas Day

"Happy Valentine's Day!" Justin yelled as he opened Ayana's bedroom door.

"Wrong holiday babe," Ayana mumbled with her eyes closed.

"Whoops," Justin climbed on top of her bed with a goofy smile on his face. He poked his girl's cheek. "It's time to wake up Ayana."

"No, just let me sleep," she sighed swatting his hand away and throwing the cover over her face. "Five more minutes."

"Oh come on," Justin whined. "Get in the holiday spirit please."

Ayana took her hand out from the cover and flipped him off, earning a loud gasp from Justin.

It hasn't been a full day since they started dating and they act like they have been together for years. The chemistry they had was so unbelievable and the love they showed for each other was something to feel grateful about. With the two of them together they created the perfect duo. Ayana completed Justin and Justin completed Ayana. It's been so long since either of them has been in a relationship with somebody. Either that they were lucky to end up together or that this had to be some sort of fate. And the believed that it was fate.

"Babygirl," Justin cooed sweetly as he slowly removed the cover from her head, revealing her precious face. "Come on, I made breakfast."

It took her a moment but she had caved in because she knew well enough that she was hungry. So she sat up and sighed, "Finnneeee, I'll go."

Justin smiled and took her hand, guiding her to the kitchen where he made two plates of Christmas tree shaped pancakes, fruit, and two mugs of hot chocolate with marshmallows.

"Aw, they look like mini Christmas trees," Ayana cooed.

"Are they suppose to look like snowflakes?" Justin snorted then stopped once Ayana gave him a glare. He coughed a little bit. "Sorry."

Ayana shook her head as she sat down at the table, Justin sitting at the table too and scooting closer so he could be up in her space.

"Ever heard of space?" Ayana asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ever heard of kindness?" Justin mocked in her voice. "I like being close to you."

Ayana couldn't help but to flush and feel so giddy in the inside, "That's cute."

"Yeah, I know I'm cute," Justin hummed as he took a bite of his pancake. "And I'm a good cook."

Ayana snorted, "Brag much?"

"Just a little bit," Justin chuckled.

When they both finished their plates and drunk their hot chocolate then they went back into Ayana's room. It was 9am in the morning, but they had to leave 12pm.

Truth was, the two would be going over Ayana's parent's house for Christmas. She hasn't seem her parents in about a few months but she always kept in touch with her folk. They lived out of town that was probably hour away from where Ayana stays. She told him that she would be bringing someone, and her parents couldn't wait.

"Should I wear this?" Ayana asked pulling an outfit from her closet.

Justin turned around and looked at the clothes she chose. A pair of black jeans, a creamy colored long sleeve shirt, and her brown ankle boots. He then looked at Ayana and nodded, "Yeah, you'll look great babe."

Ayana's cheeks caught on fire, she nodded, "Aw, thank you."

Justin unexpectedly grabbed her wrist and spun her around so that her back could met the front of his chest. She giggled as he started to kiss the side of her neck and down her shoulder. The affection felt great.

"You know we have two hours to get ready," Ayana reminds him.

"Yeah, I know," Justin mumbled against her skin as he turned around, grabbing her by the waist and kissing her lips tenderly that it caused her to melt.

Everytime their lips touched it was like they were sharing their first kiss all over again. It was always so loving and gentle, two things that described their blooming relationship.

As she was kissing him Ayana felt his hands grabbing underneath her thighs and picking her up, she pulled away gasping, "Justin, put me down!"

"Nope," he grinned, keeping his hands underneath her bum for support.

"I'm being so serious," Ayana says punching his chest lightly. "Put me down right now."

"Well, if you say so," Justin clicked his tongue before he tossed her on the bed. Resulting her to scream a little bit in the process.

"I didn't ask for you to throw me!" Ayana yelled throwing a pillow at him.

"It was more of a toss," he says in a matter of fact tone.

Ayana squinted her eyes and him, "You're dead."

"Oops, gotta blast," Justin mumbled.

Just before he could run out the room Ayana had wrapped her arms around his waist, preventing him to leave.

Justin was laughing his ass off right now, "Get off of me!"

"What? I'm a koala," Ayana hummed. "And plus, your body is warm."

He managed to pry her arms off of him so he could lay her back on the bed. Pinning her wrists above her head.

"I like this baby," she spoke smirking with her dark brown eyes staring into his.

That had him smirking too especially when she wrapped her thighs around his hips. He was getting a feeling that he hasn't felt in a while, "Kinky are we?"

"Maybe?" She responded licking her lips which caused Justin to feel really bothered. And what made it worse is that she was pulling his growing bulge closer to her clothed heat on purpose.

Justin's breath hitched when she somehow managed to get her wrist out of his grip. He watched her as she ran her hand down the back of his head down his back. She loved touching his body. They were like missing puzzles that finally was put together.

"Thank you," Justin then said after a moment of silence. He didn't need to explain why he was grateful because she had already knew why. And she truly wanted him to know that anything good that was bound to happen in the future for them will soon hit their way.


november 26th, 2017 is the day i reached 1K followers 😌 . thank you all for the massive support , i send kisses to everyone ❤️ .

- BookOfBandz

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