FLITC | Keeping Me Warm

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FLITC | Keeping Me Warm

Justin woke up to the sound of the sweet voice of Ayana, who was singing 'What Is Love' by V. Bozeman. She sounded lovely and angelic that it made his toes curl out of joy. Ayana was in the kitchen cooking breakfast of course as she sung her little song. Not realizing that she was gradually getting louder but Justin don't mind at all since he was awake. He liked her voice, but he was also a little upset that she didn't tell him that she could sing. Justin would make sure to tease her about it later.

"What is love? If you're not here with me? What is love? If it's not guaranteed? What is love? What is love?" She sung swaying her hips, singing as if this song was the national anthem for feeling broken hearted.

Since her back was turned around Justin sat up from the couch and stretched his limbs before he got to moving. He was really happy that he could still walk and move around, because if he couldn't then he would be depressed.

Quietly, he managed to get behind her and placed his hands over her eyes which made her squeak really loudly.

"What the heck?" Ayana swirled around and greeted by a grinning Justin. She then unplugged her earphones. "Don't scare me man."

"Sorry?" He cheesed. "I couldn't help it."

Ayana rolled her eyes at him before returning to her cooking. But her heart started to pound out of her chest rapidly when he didn't leave and stood right beside her.

"You have a pretty voice," he says tapping his fingers against the marble counter.

"Do not," she mumbles shaking her head, turning the pancakes down.

"You do," Justin chuckles. "It was a nice song."

"I've wouldn't finished it if somebody didn't interrupt me," Ayana grumbles.

"Woah sassy, I get it, I'm a bother," Justin says dramatically before walking away.

Ayana had grabbed his hand before he walked away, "You aren't a bother..I was just messing around."

Justin smirked, "Oh look, Ayana has humor."

"You know what? I take it back," she says rolling her eyes, earning a big reaction from him.

"No, no, no!" Justin laughed wrapping his arms around her upper body and squeezing her tight. "Take it back back."

She laughed looking at him. "What?"

"Take what you just said back," he whines.

"I take it back," Ayana says.

After a while of messing around Justin stopped with the little games and helped Ayana cook no matter how many times she was gonna kick him out the kitchen. He was actually a good help—and a huge show off when it came to flipping the pancakes—and Ayana appreciated him. Justin said that he pretty much owed his life to her but Ayana told him not to worry about it too much. She could care less if he repaid her because she didn't needed to be thanked; Ayana took him in from the kindness of her huge selfless heart.

"So..why did you decide to help me?" Justin asked, his tone serious but his voice soft.

Ayana gave him a look—a look that said 'stop asking me that, I did what I did.'

"Like, you could've helped any person on the street," he says looking at her. "But you chose to help me..so why?"

Ayana sighed tiredly, "Please I—,"

"Can you please answer it?" Justin practically was now begging. "I just want to know what was going through your head."

"I just..wanted to help you," she tells him honestly. "No questions asked. I just..did it."

That's what he wanted to hear, and because of her he is grateful for everything she has done for him.

"P-People looked at me crazy but I didn't care. You were my p-priority. I kept t-thinking about you ever since I first helped you. A-And when that blizzard was about t-to come I knew that I j-just had to take you in," Ayana says with glossy eyes.

Without words Justin pulled her into a tight hug. She hesitated, but her hands found themselves wrapping around his body that was starting to feel warm all over again.


❤️❤️ more updates will be coming soon !!

- BookOfBandz

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