FLITC | More Than Help

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FLITC | More Than Help

As Justin's and Ayana's relationship started to bloom there were things that were shared between the two of them. One of them dealing with Ayana and how she struggles with serious anxiety. She opened about how she didn't talk due to her speech impediment and the sense of feeling embarrassed when she would try to say something out loud. Quite frankly, she was even scared to open up to Justin about it. She was afraid that he would look at her differently and think that there was something wrong with her, but he did the opposite.

He listened to what she had to say then heavily assured her that there was nothing wrong with her. At first, she still didn't believe him and that caused her to start stuttering then eventually she just stopped talking about it all together. It was slowly eating her up and her boyfriend could see it on her face. Justin did not like it how she closed herself off because he felt the disconnection too. He wanted her to know that he was there for her no matter what. And now, it was time to finally prove what he's been saying.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Ayana cursed as she pretty much scrambled around the living room, grabbing things with her shaking hands.

Justin knew that Ayana didn't curse a lot but when she did it must have been serious. It caught his attention as he was in the kitchen eating cereal, watching his half-naked girlfriend slowly freak out.

"Where are they?" She asked herself as she searched everywhere in the living room. From high to low she keep looking for something in particular.

"What are you looking for?" Justin asked her with an eyebrow raised.

"My folders," Ayana groaned putting her hand on her sweaty forehead. "I can't f-find them."

"Babe, you put the packet of folders in your bag last night before you went to bed," he reminded her with a calm voice, earning a quick look before she disappeared in the bedroom to search for her school folders.

Yes, this was a really big day since it was the second week of January and today was Ayana's first day teaching at Sunnyside Elementary. Justin could swear to you that she had got everything prepared the night before, but now she was freaking out and Justin had to help.

"Ayana?" Justin called out for his girlfriend but he received not a peep from her as she tried to put the packet of folders—and the rest of her other things—in another bag.

"Folders, pens, pencils, and sticky notes," Ayana said quietly to herself as she placed all those items in her bag before zipping it up completely. She then looked around the room, seeing her closet and that lead to another rampage.

"Babe, why are you looking for new clothes? You picked your outfit last night," Justin tells her sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I don't wanna wear it anymore," she says from the closet, moving some clothes to the side.

"And why? You looked so pretty when you tried it on," Justin told her. "You could've—,"

"Because I just don't Justin," Ayana snapped with irritation in her voice.

He was a little taken back by her outburst but he didn't let it get to him. Justin simply watched her move hangers from side to side. Each piece of clothing she eyed was moved to the side as she went on and on until her hands flew to her face, mumbling more curse words.

"Ayana," Justin says calmly. "I need you to take a deep breath, okay?"

"What time is it?" She asked avoiding what Justin was trying to tell her.

"Time for you to listen to me," Justin says sternly. "You have to stop that."

Ayana rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Stop what? I'm not doing anything."

"It four o'clock in the morning and you should still be sleep right now getting some rest. You don't leave until seven forty, so tell me why you are panicking?" Justin questioned with a serious look on his face.

Ayana's bottom lip trembled, "I-I..I don't know."

It has always been a struggle when it came to big events for Ayana. She would try to prepare herself before it happened but it seems like that never worked. All she wanted was to have everything run smoothly but her nerves always got the best of her. Now with Justin in the picture she felt really embarrassed that she was acting this way, especially with him trying to help. She didn't want her nerves to get the best of her and the situation but it has. But luckily, her super amazing and phenomenal boyfriend was here to save the day.

"Come here," Justin beckoned his girlfriend over and she finally complied.

She sat next to him, bottom lip pouted and eyes becoming glossy, "I'm such a wimp...I-I can't get anything done without m-me freaking out."

Justin swiped underneath her chin, shaking his head, "You are just fine Ayana. Just tell me what you want done and I'll do it for you."

Her eyebrows knitted together as she was about to interject, "But I—,"

"Just..tell me what to do," Justin says to her, wanting her commands.

In just a little amount of time Justin was helping his girlfriend. That meant helping her with an outfit, putting her brief case together, and even making her some breakfast for today.

"I owe you big time," Ayana hummed as she sipped on some hot coffee.

Justin shook his head, "You don't."

Ayana sighed in happiness, looking at her boyfriend with love, "God, you're so sweet baby."

"Yeah, I know," he replied with a smug smirk on his face before kissing her.

Suddenly her alarm clock went off, indicating that she had to leave soon. From the look on her face he could tell that she was starting to become nervous again.

"Calm down," Justin says in a gentle voice as he took her hands in his. He could see the panic in her eyes and he didn't want her to go off the walls again. "I'll help you, okay?"

She nodded her head, "Okay."

Well, since Justin didn't work until nine—yes, he has gotten a job in the beginning of the year and that included loading boxes into trucks on a thirteen hour shift—he had made sure that Ayana was ready.

"I'm so proud of you," Justin whispered, pressing a kiss onto Ayana's forehead and rubbing his back lovingly. "You made it here. And man, I'm so happy."

"You mean that?" She asked with a flushed face.

"From the bottom of my heart," he says with a sincere smile. "Now go before you be late."

"Can I get a kiss?" She pleads poking her bottom lip out.

Rolling his eyes playfully Justin leaned down and gave her a loving kiss on her lips, adding a little bit more fire than necessary but no one was complaining.

She pulled back from his addicting lips, looking up at him with her dark brown eyes, "I'll see you after work, okay?"

"Alright," Justin gave her one last kiss on the lips. "Have a good day baby."

Ayana gave him a soft smile before getting in her car and driving off. Her first day as a first grade teacher was sure as hell going to be great.


next chapter has a time jump so read carefully 😊😊 .

- BookOfBandz

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