FLITC | The Bitter Cold

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FLITC | The Bitter Cold

It wasn't always like this for Justin. He would have never imagine himself living on the streets with little to no food and not being able to shower when he pleases. It was already a struggle sleeping at his friends' house when he was just drifting around to pass time. Giving his friends that same "I'm gonna get back on my feet" lie everytime he stayed over a week or two. Then when he screwed up his relationship with his ex-girlfriend she had kicked him out and called it quits. He had nothing, he was nothing.

It's actually been a full year since he has been living on the streets, he was now twenty-one with no type of future ahead of him. The day his girlfriend kicked him out of her house he had no where to stay, no where to go, and barely had any money for food because he decided to waste his money on some junk even though he was suppose to help her pay the bills in her apartment that he was staying in. After that he had absolutely nothing. Not even food and a place to stay; Justin felt ashamed oh himself for dropping so low.

So that's how his life has been for the past year now. He stayed in his usual spot leaning against this brick wall that belonged to the alley at the end of the block. The black oversized hoodie that he had on was tore up and dirty, and was stolen from this clothing store not too far away from where he is at, he first used that as a blanket since he didn't have one, and he only had like two pairs of shoes. He didn't have many clothes, only in a black trash bag that his ex threw from her balcony. Justin couldn't brush his teeth or look at himself in the mirror.

He felt like he was doomed. It was sad, but that's how he felt when he started living on the streets for the first few months. Justin had gave up on hope and he gave up on trying to "get back on his feet" a long time ago. Nobody wanted to help him out. Not even his closet friends or his ex-girlfriend. He knew why because it was his fault. If he weren't so full of himself them he would probably be in a much better place than he is now. But he had to learn the hard way.

"Here you go, god bless you," is what he heard when a middle aged lady dropped him a few bucks next to him before she walked away.

Justin didn't even want to reach out for the money before it blew away. He was a little warm from the thick blanket that was on him right now. So if he moved then the warmness would definitely escape out and he didn't want that.

Justin earned many stares from people as they walked pass him, and now he has gotten use to it. He got all types of looks from people which made him feel really insecure about the way he was living. If Justin could do something about his life then he would, but he had no courage to do so.

If he had some courage then he would try, but he had none. So without any motivation to get him going then he would be staying in this bitter cold weather for a very long time.



- BookOfBandz

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