FLITC | Grateful For You

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FLITC | Grateful For You

"Happy Thanksgiving," Ayana says to Justin the moment she walked out of her room towards the kitchen.

"I'm Canadian," Justin deadpans.

Ayana stopped dead in her tracks to look at him with a bored expression, "Wow."

Justin's lips created a cheesy smile on his face, "Just kidding Ayana, Merry Christmas."

"Why do you have to be so goofy all the time?" She asked putting her hands on her hips. And he has the opinion to say that she looks absolutely adorable.

"Why do you have to be so goofy all the time?" Justin mocked her voice and her actions of putting his hands on his own hips while he gave her the stare that she was giving him.

Ayana squinted her eyes at Justin, and then seconds later she pounced on him like a tiger. Pinching his cheeks and smacking his head playfully.

"You always wanna be a damn comedian!" Ayana yells.

"Oooh! You cursed!" Justin says loudly.

"So what?" She challenged.

"That's bad," Justin then grabbed her wrists to wink at her. "And I like the bad girls."

"Get outta my face," Ayana says laughing.

This is what their relationship has slowly progressed into. After it being a couple weeks after Ayana took him in her care their bond has gotten pretty strong in a matter of weeks. It was still unreal to know that Justin was here in Ayana's apartment and not out on the streets. He felt blessed and thankful that this remarkable girl came in the right time to save his life. Justin would make sure to cherish this time he has with her because he knows that everything he has can vanish in a blink of an eye without him knowing.

It was Thanksgiving Day and as planned Ayana's siblings would be coming over to spend their day here. Even though Ayana's place wasn't that huge it will still manage to fit four other people in here. She has told Justin beforehand so he wouldn't be caught off guard when they came over. Ayana was kinda excited for Justin to meet her brothers, but she wasn't too stoked on him meeting her older sister. Demetria was really protective and could be super rude. Ayana wanted to spend this holiday with the people she loves the most—and that included Justin as well.

"Do you wanna help me cook some pies?" Ayana asked helping him up from the couch.

"Sure," Justin smiled brightly before following her to the kitchen, their fingers entangling together.

Justin grabbed all the round aluminum pans for the pies while Ayana gathered all the ingredients. With a little bit of soulful music playing in the background from her home speaker it had them both in the mood.

"What do you want to do first? Sweet potato pie or pecan pie?" She asks looking at him.

Justin rolled his lips to the side as he stared at what they had. He soon came to a conclusion, "We can just make them both at the same time."

Ayana gasped and nodded her head, "I like your thinking!" She exclaimed.

Justin smiled at her adorableness before getting all the ingredients for making the sweet potato pie while Ayana was going to make the pecan pie. They both went through with the instructions, making sure that their pies were Thanksgiving ready.

"Redbone" by Childish Gambino started playing the moment when they placed their pies in the oven. The timer was then set.

"How about another cake?" Ayana suggested with a coy smile on her face.

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