chapter 42

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"You Moron we are attacked" said Khalil angrily .

" We need to hurry sir , Khalil knows we have attacked " said Haider To Murat .

"I cant believe it he kept Noor here " said Murat looking at the place where he started his business. Where he made his first gun.
Murat was brought out his thoughts by haider.

" Sir we found her " said Haider pointing at Noor was layin unconcious on the floor.

" Noor ," said Murat

" Habibti please get up " said Murat slightly tapping her cheek.

" Sir i think we should hide he is here " said Haider in a low voice.

" Why should we hide ? " shouted Murat.

" We cant let him know as yet , please trust me " said Haider and stood behind the pillar with Murat.


Noor opened her eyes when she felt cold liquid touch her body which made her bruises burn .

"Azaan are you sure this is the place?" Asked Yazan once they reached they old warehouse.

" Yea this is the place , come lets go inside" said Azaan getting down from the car.

"Sorry Princess , we had to wake you up from your beauty sleep" said Khalil evilly.

" Oh finally you are up light, now you can see that b****** die , then u will be mine only " said Hammad .

" Yazan " whispered Noor but Hammad heard her.

" Why are you doing this ? Why do you want to harm Yazan?" Shouted Noor.

" You havent done anything , but that B****** Yazan he snatched you away from me , nobody liked me, everytime i would speak to you Yazan would come from no where, but now everything will be fine , We will live together , you me and our son " said Hammad touching Noor s Cheek .

" No never i will never be with you , i would die instead of being yours " said Noor with anger in her eyes.

" Princess enough no need to die so soon " said Khalil.

" Why are you doing this? Why ? Havent you caused enough harm ?" Noor asked khalil.

" Now that you have asked let me answer you, I never liked your father , i always envied him , he snatched my love from me how could i leave him .Yes i loved your mother but she loved that Murat. I made a plan to separate them but that Murat decided to help the FBI and leak those papers ,so i had to kill both of them , you know who helped me out " Khalil said With a evil smile.

" She is none other than " said Khalil but was cut by gun shots .

Boom boom

" Noor are you fine ? " asked Yazan as soon as he saw Noor and pulled her for a hug.

" Enough of this melodrama , Khalil get the papers and kill them " said a voice which Belonged to none other than.

" Khala" said a shocked Noor.

" Yes me , i am Khalils partner , i helped him, so that i could be with Murat, i loved him but your mother came in between so we had to kill both. That day i looked for you so i could kill you but i couldnt find you . Murat told My husband to take care of you . I tried to hurt you so many times when you were living with us , but i couldnt thats when i met Hammad and got you married to him Knowing he is a drug addict " said Mrs Malik evilly.

Noor just stood still she couldnt belive her khala did all this to her. All the misery, problems in her life were because of her Khala.

Boom boom

Murat Salim khan made an entry killing Khalils men.

"What happened Khalil ? Shocked to see me alive " said Murat keeping a gun on Khalils forehead.

" Its not so easy to kill me with my own gun " said Murat .

" I am not dumb to leave my new invention outside , Yes the gun you shot me sorry us with was a sample " said Murat making Khalils eyes widen .

" You b****** i wont leave you" said Khalil and tried to punch Murat but thats when the police came .

"Inspector Shoaib arrest them " said Haider to police officer.

When the police was arresting everyone Hamad saw Noor who was looking at Yazan lovingly .

" Noor i wont let you be Yazans i will kill him " said Hamad and aimed the gun on Yazans chest .


A gun shot was heard and Noor was laying on the floor . Yazan turned to see Noor who saved his life.

" Noor Hayati please stay awake nothing will happen to you, please you cant leave me " said Yazan cupping Noors face with tears flowing from his eyes.

" i .... " said Noor and closed her eyes.

In the hospital

Its has been three hours since Noor is taken to the operation theatre .

" Doctor how is she ? Is she fine ? " asked Yazan as soon as he saw the doctor .

"I am sorry.....

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