Chapter 4

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Noor-e-Haya pov:

When the devil was busy on the phone I started thinking about my life what will I do now will Yazan accept him or ...

Ya Allah I forgot about Layla  she is going to kill me, okay so basically  Layla  is my  best friend  she helped me a lot in the past years and i wish I could really help her .


Allahu Akbar  whats this noise I thought whilst putting my hands on my ears  with my eyes  tightly shut.

Once I opened  my eyes I realised  this is the devil's doing,  come on, i know he wants to kill me but he would also die  what would happen  to his family .

Oh so you care about his family also said a voice from my head.

Arrrrh I had an argument with devil which didn't last long as I  just kept quiet  as i was too tired  so i nodded my head if he said anything.

Once we reached  the devil's house or the  Mansion you can say,  the devil decided to be a gentleman and opened the door for me .

When I entered the house I saw a  man who must be in his forties  with  a woman who was  well dressed she must be his wife but there was something   about them OMA there are the devil's parents .

I don't know why but  I couldn't help it and said Bhari maa  and she  had tears in her eyes it was like she had been waiting  for me to say that.

The minute I said that   I started  getting flashbacks everything  around me started spinning and saw black dots.

Yazan pov:

When I  turned  around i  saw Noor-e-Haya on the  floor, she was unconcious  I carried her to my room and laid her  on the bed .

That's  when baba came in with our family  doctor who started examining her and asked us to wait outside.

I was standing outside the door whilst ammi was crying on babas shoulder and baba was trying to calm her.

" Mr khan can I speak to u people? " Asked doctor  Javed.

"Doctor how is my bacchi , Is she fine? " Asked ammi with tears in her eyes.

"Actually she fainted because  of stress and she needs to eat healthy food and lots of rest." Said the doctor but I don't know why I felt he was hiding  something.

"Come doctor let me drop you ".I said  whilst escorting him outside.

"Mr Khan there is something  I want to tell you " said the doctor.

"Yea sure go on " I said .

"It's about the girl, she is not fine she fainted because of the pressure she put on her head . It's very  harmful as today she fainted but I am  not sure I can help you  the next time as she can go into coma."Said the doctor.

"Don't worry doctor I will take care of her "I said .

" Here is her medicine  give her one after every meal "  said the doctor.

" Thank you Once again " I said whilst dropping the doctor by his car.

Once I got inside my mum was praying  and blowing on Noor-e-Haya.

I went and hugged her  and asked her to rest  and i told her I would take care of noor and call her  once noor is awake.

Once  ammi and abbu left I prayed my namaz and sat on the sofa  and started thinking about the past.


  " Nobody luwvs  me , I am nobody's  fwend." Said  a five year old Noor-e-Haya  crying and running into the garden.

" oleo  why dhey not my fwend me not nice " said Noor-e-Haya whilst hugging her horse.

"You know at my schkool  that boy was laughing  on  me he called me fat and also pushed me on the floor look i got hurt." Said Noor-e-Haya  crying even louder little did she know that apart from oreo there was  a  boy listening to her story with anger in his eyes.

" How dare you bully her and push her ?" Said  a very angry 7 year old Yazan whilst punching the boy  who bullied his best friend.

"Zanny don't  hit him it's noo good Pleash  don't ".said a crying Noor-e-Haya  .

" I am leaving you only because of her but next time you try to hurt her I will kill you" said a very angry Yazaan.

" let's go from here haya "said Yazaan holding haya's hand.

" Why you hit him ? Bhari maa say it's bad to fight "said Noor-e-Haya innocently.

" Why didn't you tell me Hammad hurt you?" Said Yazan  in low voice.

" I thought I was your best friend ".said Yazan.

" I am sowi  I promise you I will always tell you and you promise me  you won't fight like that." Said Noor-e-Haya.

" I can't promise  you about the fight  but I promise to protect from all harm " said Yazan.

" eeeh you have  red in your hand it hurt na  now don't wolly  I will  put medicine shloly  okay". said little   Noor-e-Haya with tears in her eyes as she was in pain herself.

I was  brought  from my dreamland from a scream.

" Ayyaaaan " scram Noor-e-Haya   with sweat all over .

" Are you fine ?" I said holding her hand .

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