Chapter 23

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Few days later

Third persons pov:

Its been a week , and no one spoke about the blue liquid incident. Noor and Layla dont remember anything, whereas Yazan and Azaan hardly speak.

Ever since Jimmy died Azaan hardly speaks to Yazaan . Today in the morning he announced that they will be flying back in the weekend so everyone should be ready.

"Aani pwease sweep with us " said Aasiya with puppy eyes to noor.

"Okay meri jaan " said Noor as she couldnt say no to her.

Noor was with the kids helping them change and later went to sleep ,whilst Yazaan was in the study and Layla was with Azaan.

At night

"Aani, Aani " said Aasiya lightly tapping noors hand .

" Yes bacha ,what happeend?" Said noor in her sleepy voice.

" me vevy thirsy" said aasiya.

" Okay wait here, i will go and get water for you"said noor and went to the kitchen.

Noor went to the kitchen to get water for aasiya , she filled a glass of water for herself too .

Whilst drinking water she saw the small house from the kitchen window. Slowly she opened the kitchen door and made her way to the small house.

She stood infront of the house , unknowingly her fingers touched the plate by door and there it opened , Slowly she walked inside forgetting everything.

Once inside the house she saw a few frames. One showed three kids two boys and one girl , the boys looked older than the girl.

Another showed a couple who was standing with the girl and boy .

She walked further inside , thats when she heard noises of someone crying, begging for help, she saw blood . Noor kept her hands on her ears to stop the noises . While doing so she lost her balance causing all the frames to fall onto the floor.

Noor tried to pick the frames, but felt too weak , she tried to stand but before she could everything went black.

"Ayyan , Yan " said aasiya hitting Ayyans  hand so he could wake up.

"What is it Aashi?" Said Aayan annoyed.

"Pwease wake up" said aasiya with tears in her eyes.
When Ayyan saw her tears he instantly stood up.

" shhh, why you crying ? What happened? AskedAyyan in a panicked tone.

Aasiya told Aayan about her aani who went to get water and hasnt returned.

" Aasiya, i will go and check you sit here " said Ayyan to which aasiya refused.

"Okay lets go" said Ayyan.

They checked everywhere but still no sign of her .

" Aasiya i am goin to tell gal friend you sit here dont move " said Ayyan to which aasiya nodded.

Ayyan went and knocked on Azaans door . Azaan opened the thinking it was aasiya , but was shocked to see Ayyan .

Ayyan told Azaan who called Yazaan too about everything that happened.

Thats when they heard someone scream.

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