Chapter 22

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Third persons pov:

"Aaaarh how dare he take bella  away from him? "  noor said  angrily .

"I hate Edward he is soooo bad " said noor standing on  top of the sofa, she couldnt balance herself and was about to fall  when Yazaan held her .

" You Mr devil khan , you came here also, leave me i hate you"said noor whilst hitting Yazaans chest.

"Yaz leave her  and come with me, she is not good girl she called my Edward bad" said layla pulling Yazaan towards her.

"Ya keep your Yaz with you, i have my Akhi (brother) with me " said noor holding  Azaans hand .

" Lets finish  the movie " said  Layla .

Layla and Yazaan  sat on one side whereas Azaan and noor sat on one side .

" Oh my god he is soooo hot , look at his six packs "said Noor making Yazaan angry.

If looks could kill then  the guy noor was drooling at would be dead.

" No he is not hot have you seen Edward god he is wow" Said Layla making noor as well as Azaan angry.

Before Azaan could say  anything Noor beat him.

" Edward i hate him, have you seen how he looks , like there is nooo blood in his body, he looks like a zombie and worst of all he hurt my taylor " said noor in a baby voice.

" Girls why dont we finish movie?" asked  Azaan .

Once the movie finished the girls started talking again .

" Layla lets go out its raining " said Noor .

"No we cant go out its late ,Mrs khan you will get sick" said Yazan which made Noor very angry.

"Who asked You? I was asking Layla , Akhi please can we play in the rain as others are scared " said noor .

" Lets go" said Azaan.

After sometime Yazan and Layla joined them too .

Azaan and Noor sat on the swing .

" Thank you Akhi for being soooooo good " said noor smiling.

" You are the bestest brother, i wish you were my brother " said noor in low voice.

" Noor what do you mean i wish ?" Asked Azaan thinking maybe he could know something about her past.

"I am a very bad sister i hurt everyone , also bhai and asm" before noor could complete her sentence  she went to sleep.

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