Chapter 37

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I lived with my mumma dad  Zaydin and Saad bhai we were a happy family. Saad bhai was the eldest ,Zaydin was the second born and then it was me . We were happy in our lives till Saad bhai fell in love  with Aisha babas sisters daughter.
Aisha lived with Saras family as her parents passed away.Saad bhai sent a proposal for her but Saras dad put a condition and that  condition was for me to marry their son in return . I had no choice  at thaylt time so i agreed . Sara tried her best  to stop me , so did Zaydin but i was helpless i promised Saad bhai i will marry Saras brother Hammad.

After my marriage with Hammad , Hammad was very caring , he never hurt me , but,  after  three of our marriage he  became aggressive he would get angry on small small things , then he started taking drugs  he would hurt me physically and apologise later. once i got tired and asked him  why he hurt me soo much  and that was one of the  biggest mistake of my life.

" Hammad why do you hurt me ? What wrong have i done to you?" Asked Noor.

" What wrong ? You married me , ruined my life all because of you i cant be with my love " hammad said .

"What do you  mean ? " asked Noor .

" I never loved you , actually i hate you , i love her who i have been looking for since years but just because of you " said Hammad and started walking closer to Noor. He  tried to strangle Noors Neck and kill her  but luckily Noor escaped .

Noor went to her parents house , where all family members  cursed her , disrespected her , and pointed fingers  on her character. Noor looked at her brother Saad for help but he slapped her , her so called husband threw divorce papers on her face and threw her out of her house.

"I had accident , due to which i went coma , i woke Seven months later to find Ayyan on my lap . I wanted to tell Hammad that he has a son but stopped myself as he divorced me . I started working at Uncle Shaheers hospital , later i met Layla who helped me with Ayyan , then you came " said Noor with tears in her eyes.

" Noor you went through soo much, I am sorry i wasnt there for you, its all my fault , if i wouldnt tell you to  leave  that day none of this would happen , we would be happy" said Yazan.

" shhh shh " said Noor putting her finger on Yazans lips and hugged him.

" Noor why are we here ?" Asked Yazan sitting on the bed of Noors secret room.

"Yanny check if Mumma is here , i will there in five minutes" said Noor to Yazan.

" As you say come fast " said Yazan. He was shocked to know about Noors past although he knew she was married to Hammad from Raj he didnt know Hammad tried to kill her .

Oh my Allah this cant be happening thought Noor .

"Should i call you mumma or Khalto " said Noor Making mrs Maliks eyes widen.

"I know you are my mums sister, please tell me what happened to my parents " said Noor kneeling  down infront of Mrs Malik .

"I dont know Noorie, i got a call from your mum , she wanted to meet me at the beach, when i reached there i found you laying on the bench , with a note that said please protect her , I took you home , and waited for your mama to come , she didnt come but the news of her death did , i adopted you , and loved  you like  my own. Noor you are the only one who knows what happened that day as you are the only one who survived " said Mrs Malik with tears jn her eyes.

"I am sorry , because of Saad you had to marry Hammad , i tried to stop but you wouldnt  listen , please forgive me " said Mrs Malik folding her hands infront of  Noor.

" Mothers dont fold their hands infront of their daughters " said Noor and hugged Mrs Malik.

" Guys i am sure  we all are tired we will talk in the morning for now lets rest" said Noor and  started going to the small house outside .

"Mohterma , Aap kaha jarahi hai? ( madam where do you think you going)?"whispered  Yazan in Noors ear , which made her shiver.

"Yanny i am going to Abbi's room just for some time i will be back in a while please " said Noor with Puppy eyes to which he nodded.

Noor walked inside the small house , she checked each and every corner thats when she saw a small study which had a mirror connected to it .

She stood by the mirror and thats when she heard noises, dark spots  began to cover her vision and then everything went black.

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