Confusion, a Phone Call, and the Truth (Pt.1)

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Hoshimi’s POV:

I saw Nat in the hallway, looking conflicted. I started towards her with the hamper full of dirty clothes, then frowned. “Onee-chan?” I start softly, seeing her eyes were teary. I look at the girl, and set the hamper down, gently catching her by her shoulders. “Oi, Onee-chan. What’s wrong?” I ask, lifting up her chin. Looking at me, she sniffled before smiling.

“I-I think I’m ready.” When I give her a puzzled look, she only smiles with quivering lips. “Can I get Ryuuji on the phone?” She asks softly, but then reaches for my hand when I frown, crossing my arms as I glare at something else. I couldn’t be mad at Nat, though I was at the same time. It was really confusing. Nat was really confusing. Hell, I’m really confusing.

“Ready for what?” I ask befuddled, now curious but also conflicted. “Why not tell me?” I ask now, blocking her way. I felt anger and hurt spark a flame in my heart, and my lip trembled.

“Hoshimi, I don’t-”

“No, you can tell me right?! I’m your Nee-chan, right?!” I feel angered tears prick my eyes as I clench my fists, thrusting them on my hips. “Why do you need Bon for this? Why don’t you need me?!” I then feel my gut twist, and I look at her, my eyes hurt even more. “Why-why don’t you need me?” I say.

“Hoshimi-” She couldn’t find her words, and so I only nodded, smiling bitterly.

“No, no one would need a tiny ‘little girl’ like me, now would they?” I continue, the filter between my thoughts and lips disappeared into the abyss of my emotions. When I felt the irritated tears run down my cheeks, a hard thwack was heard. My face was tilted to the side, my right side of my face starting to swell up. Nat’s hand was up, and her eyes widened as she quickly let it fall to her side.

“Don’t you dare say that again.” She said quietly, her other hand gripping my shoulder. “We need you. Konkemaru needs you. Rin needs you, Yukio needs you, Ryuuji needs you, Koyalee needs you, Izumo needs you, Shiemi needs you, I-I need you.” She then set her hands on my shoulders, looking at me with loving, yet saddened eyes. I nod slowly, and sniffle, wiping my eyes and slowly rubbing my cheek. Even though there would be a bruise, it would last for-at the most- a few hours.

"Alright. I-I won’t.” I say softly, and close my eyes. She pats my shoulder again, picking up the basket and handing it to me. “Tell me when you’re calling them, I’ll get lunch-” With a surprised glance from the older girl, I only shrug. “I may not be much of a cook, but I think I got some skills from Onii-chan.” I grin, and then smile as I think of which familiar to help me. With a sigh, she only nodded, starting towards our room to grab my phone.

Nat’s POV:

I sat on the futon Hoshimi and I shared, Hoshimi kneeling next to me, looking confused yet curious. Her tail whipped around, some of the animals starting to bat at it, trying to see which one could catch it. Gnawing at my lip, I nervously pressed on the numbers, then pushed my finger against the green phone to the bottom right of the screen. I took a deep breath, and slowly cradled it between my ear and shoulder as I straightened up Hoshimi’s kimono. “Geez,” I murmur, then hear someone pick up the phone.

“Moshi moshi~” Shiemi’s light voice shimmered through the phone, and so I smiled faintly, clearing my throat awkwardly. “Oh! Nat-chan!” I could see the smile on her face as she said this, and so I slowly started to smile, though it was nervous and bashful.

“H-hi. A-anno, is Ryuuji or Rin there?” I ask slowly, seeing a slight look of anger spark in the cerulean orbs that held Hoshimi’s vision. “I need to tell Ryuuji something.” I explain quickly, my cheeks flushing as she nods, a soft titter escaping her lips.

“Hai! I’ll get them, hold on for a second please. Koko-chan, would you like to go on the phone to-” She didn’t have to finish the sentence before another voice was heard, blaring from the other side of the line.

“Goddamnit, Nat, Hoshi-chan!! You guys need to come back!! Bon’s freaking out with Konkemaru in a corner and-”

“Baka!! Enough, enough!!” I winced, quickly pulling the phone away from my ear. I could tell by the agitated tone and yelling that it was Bon. “Goddamn. Nat, what’s up?” He asks, now holding the phone.

“Etto, I- Ryuuji, do you remember when you made that promise to me? When I made that promise to you?” I ask slowly, thinking of when he had cut his palm, even if it could’ve gotten infected and maybe even amputated.

“Of course, why wouldn’t I?” He asks, slightly amused. I only shake my head, my  cheeks flushing.

“R-Ryuuji, I think I’m ready now.”

Nat’s POV:

After hearing the words slip from my lips, I bit on my bottom lip, now trembling slightly. Hoshimi wrapped an arm around me, and so I leaned into her slowly. “Is-is everyone there?” I then ask slowly, setting the phone on the table.

“Yeah, just-” Something clattered onto the ground on the other side, and a new voice was heard over the ruckus.

“Onee-chan!” Rin’s voice brayed like a trumpet, and so I chuckled slightly, hugging my knees as I shifted into a sitting position. “Are you guys fed? Do you have any trouble with the house or with getting back? Oh Kami, don’t tell me you got dropped off at the wrong station!” He groaned, and I giggled sheepishly, knowing either of those things could happen.

“Dame. Anyways, I-I think I’m going to tell minna now.” I say with a quieter and more serious tone, and so he gets the message, quieting down and ushering everyone forward to hear. “L-Look, minna. T-this is pretty big to hear over the phone, so please listen, and if you-if you have any questions, just ask. Okay?” I say, taking in a soothing and encouraging breath.

“Alright. You can tell us when you’re ready, Nat.” I hear Koyalee’s voice gently prodded me, but I shook my head.

“Dai-jou-bu. I’m fine telling you now. I won’t be able to in person, because I’m a coward.” I smile rancorously, and then cough lightly. “I guess I have to start from the beginning. When there was Satan, there was also Kami-sama. Between the two, there were gods like the Greek, or Hindu, or Japanese. One of the most powerful gods was the Goddess of the Earth; Gaea. Her alternative name-so to speak- was unknown. She had the last name of ‘Hatome’. This meant-implying the name- that she was ‘Great Earth’. When she started to create descendents like the other gods were, the other gods had forsaken an omen from the main god; who we call Kami. Supposedly, one of her descendents would bring true peace to our world Assiah, destroying Satan and our mirror world, Gehenna.

“Because of this, Gaea started a tradition that doomed her clan, the Hatomes.”  

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