Chapter 2: Liam

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LIAM: September 7th

Journal, I dread writing in you but I realize it must be done. After my parents got divorced, the lawyers decided that I would become deranged through all of these changes. I moved to another country to get as far away from my father and family as possibly with my mum. I guess I'm dedicating this to my brothers. You have really helped me through a lot in these past two years. It's college now, I don't know anyone in the area. Hopefully, I'll meet some new people. FAST.

Now, I realize that I chose writing this journal to convey all my thought over going to counseling along with my brothers, but I really hope that no one reads this. I am putting my heart and soul into this. It's not right for someone to know my internist thoughts. If you are obligated to read this by a court of law, please stop. I don't want people to know the real me. The last time I let people get to know me, I got hurt. I hope I never make that mistake again.


LIAM Dorm parking lot: 2pm

"Thanks a lot can you meet me at the yellow bug at the parking lot."

She replied. My first friend. I'm not going to get touchy feely with any of this, but it's difficult for me to meet new friends. I'm a softie, but I find it very easy to get hurt by people. I rush into things and leave with my head spinning. College must be different, right?

I go down the elevator and look for the yellow bug that Sophie was talking about. Oh it's right around the corner. Excellent.

Sophie waves to tell me to come over there. Isn't she cute? With her flaming red hair and cute freckles... Awww....SHUT UP LIAM.

You can have friends that are girls. You rush into every love that you had. Figure out who is right for you first. Remember Emily? You asked her out 11 times and she said yes then dumped you right after. College is a fresh start. Learn to use that to your advantage.

"Hey Liam! Thanks for helping me with these boxes! I'll be sure to award you with something later." Award me? Heh that sounded dirty...

"Uhh yeah it's no problem! And what would said award be?" I said with a smirk. "Oh well I was planning to go to that coffee shop later, I'll get you whatever you want!" Oh, that's a downer, not the reward I was expecting...

"That sounds excellent. What box should I carry?" "Oh can you grab the big one? It's to heavy for me and you seem to have really beefy arms so you should be fine." She smiles and me after she finishes speaking. She complemented me? I haven't worked out in weeks...!!! I lift it out of the car and I immediately want to drop it.

No! Be a man Liam! Be strong! Work against the pain. A member of the Payne family must feel no pain!

I carry the box up to her floor and to her room. Finally... Whooo that's it right? Wrong.

"Okay well I'm sure we can make it of we take another two trips! You can quit now if you want to... "


I carry those boxes up like a champ and attempt to control my breathing so I don't huff and puff everywhere.

"Thanks so much Liam! Hey so do ya wanna meet up at the cafe at 8? You should bring your roommate or something! I'll bring my best friend Annie."

"Sure! That sounds brill! I'll try to meet my roommate and bring him along... I wish I could find him... If you meet a Harold Styles please alert me! See you later Sophie!"

She smiles sweetly in a way that just makes you want to take a picture. Kodak moment. She shuts the door and begins to unpack. I walk over to my room to finally find my roommate.

"Hey! You must be Harry! I'm Liam it's great to meet you I guess we are roommates!" I smile and extend my hand for him to shake it. He loosely shakes my hand.

"Yeah." I await for any other response and get nothing.

"Soooo... What are you planning to study?"

"Premed." The world was created. Humans evolved. World war three was fought. He again states,"What are you studying Liam?" in a slow and husky voice. He could take sound getting used to I guess.

"I'm studying international relations hopefully but I have to get those pesky prereqs out of the way."

"Yeah I hate those. Hey which side do you want. They seem pretty symmetrical. They each have a window.... I just don't want to be the douche that takes your favorite side of the room on our first day k bro?"

That's all he has said all day. Amazing. He talks so slow he could make anything sound boring. But I don't judge a book by its cover I bet he's really cool once you break his shell of too much aftershave and curly hair. Everything is going to take some getting used to.

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