Chapter 28: Harry

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Chapter 28

WHOA! Sorry I haven't been writing for a while! I went on vacation with my family to Stanford and Berkeley. Yes, I went to Bezerkly and I thought of new places to stick my favorite characters. I also went to Disneyland and got some inspiration for my next fic. I think I'll spill the beans...

My next fic is going to be called "What Stays inVegas"

Say goodbye to Sophie Sinclair and Annie Taylor and say hello to Lara Croft and Kathryn Star.

As always, if you like my fiction please vote, comment, and pass on the word. Message me or comment with any praise or tips for being a better writer. Thanks for being awesome lovelies.


HARRY: September 20th

Let's admit it. I don't like school. I'm a slacker. Everyone tells me I'm a genius and I have so much potential that I'm wasting.

I'm not the smartest person. Why should I act like it?

I'm going to stop being a slacker this year though. At this point in time, I have straight As and it's the first time since junior year.

I guess I'm pretty proud of myself. No biggie.


HARRY: Calculus 2:45pm

"So this is how you do that problem? Sorry I just wasn't able to take the derivative. Thanks Anne."

"No problem Hazz. You do know that if you didn't zone out every time in class you wouldn't need me to help you all the time." Annie laughs and reverts her attention back to the board for the lecture.

After class, I stop at the dorm to grab a quick lunch. My lunch consists of nutella sandwiches most days of the week. Im making sure I gain that freshman 15...

Liam burst through the door with a huff. "There you are! I biked at full speed across campus looking for you!" He catches his breathe or at least attempts to. With a overly dramatic fall onto his hard bed, he exhales,"Give this to Soph. Ride on mate."

I listen for Sophie coming back robber dorm after lunch and stealthily slide the note under her door. Without a second to spare, I dash into the elevator and ride down just as Sophie begins to open her door in suspicion.


I love the way you are. It's who I am. Don't have to try hard. I wish you were here."

Wish you were here. Avril Lavigne

Mission Accomplished.

I rush back in the room and I see Liam has passed out on the bed. I better wake him up.... Nah! He looks too peaceful!

I grab his phone and set an alarm do he won't be late for class. How nice am I? I walk away and notice the next note for Sophie printed out.

I sit and eat my nutella sandwich and wait for Annie to reply to my text.

"Are you going to the Karaoke night tomorrow? I'm going to be singing! It's going to be awesome!"

She finally responds with,"Of course I will be there I can't miss it! Liam told me that he needs Sophie to be there. For you know what!"

Liam is planning a special extravaganza for Sophie but he won't tell me about it. I guess it will be a surprise for everyone.

Liam's marimba ringtone sounds and we have half an hour to book across campus. He has class with Sophie and needs to figure our a way to get that note to her.

"Harry I hate you why didn't you wake me up? I was going to talk to Niall!" Liam bursts out of bed and rushes out with his note.

I follow him out and lock the door and jump into the elevator. "You were the one sleeping don't put this in me!"

"Oh right... Sorry hazza." he frowns with a puppy dog face and I am forced to forgive him.

He stops on the third floor and gives the note to Niall. I catch a glimpse of it before he hands it over and I just see "WITH" I'm large letters like all the others. This one is different because on the back it says "you are beautiful." Liam is obviously a hopeless romantic.

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