Chapter 14: Liam

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LIAM: September 10-12

Why do we even go to class when all they do is just read the syllabus?

I was valedictorian of my high school.

I'm a nerd I get it. But seriously chapter one is a total review I can't even stand it. Should have studied for the Calculus BC test and taken it.

As for Sophie, she tries to act like she hates me and everything is wrong in her life but I know she likes me. I know it.

These days go on like a blur. Thank god it's labor day weekend now.

A guy in my calculus class invited me to his frat party and told me I could bring as many friends as I want.

It's a party on a Thursday night. That sounds like great way to kick off the weekend.

Three days gives me a chance to finally get some time with Sophie since I only see her in class where she is "paying attention".

All she really does is stare at the young French teacher and day dream. I know it. She just gets distracted but doesn't want to talk to me. I need to figure out why.

I can't go on like this with Sophie for much longer.

(A/N: idk if that's actually when labor day is... Just play along okay?)


LIAM: September 12 Beta Pi Frat house 10:00pm

"I can't believe you dragged me to a frat party! I'm not the kind of girl to party! I promised myself I would never drink!"

Sophie sits on the couch in retaliation. Some guy hands her a beer and she hands it over to me.

"I don't drink either Sophie. First off, it's a choice. Second, I can't...."

"Well none of us can drink alcohol until we are 21! Well it's different in Europe but this is America you Brit! What are we even doing here? What are we supposed to do..."

"We could always dance! Look at Annie and Harry they look like they are having fun!" I constantly have to shout to get Sophie to hear me.

"Eww they are grinding I thought that would fade out as soon as you graduate high school!"

A slow song comes on out of the blue.


"Sophie Sinclair, might I have this dance?" I grab her hand with butterflies in my stomach.

She uneasily gets up and comes into my arms as we slow dance to the music.

"I love this song. Eyes open by Taylor Swift,"I say into her ear.

"I love it too. I learned how to play it on the guitar a couple of weeks ago. I know most Taylor Swift Songs on the guitar."

Well you learn something new about Sophie everyday. She's that unique and special. I just need to finally figure out what makes her so sad...

"Do you want to leave early? It's not much fun when you aren't wasted. Not like in the movies." I nod and try to get Harry and Annie to come with us.

They are just sitting on the couch talking but Annie seems to be in distress. Some guy with dark skin and black hair is watching us from a distance. Just people watching, that's all.

As we get up to leave, the boy follows close behind. He smiles at Harry when he turns around to face him.

"Who's the guy Hazza?"

"He's in my History class. He is cool his name is Zayn. He's really chill."

We step out of the frat house to cross the parking lot back to Harry's black Volvo and pass by an open van. Why would anybody leave the back door open? We walk close to it and I am pushed into the van from behind and the door is locked.

Harry, Annie, and Sophie look bewildered as the door shuts behind us and a man in a ski mask ties back our hands and puts tape over our mouths. I tried to fight back but he

brings a knife to Sophie's throat so I succumb.

He then takes a syringe and injects it into all of our arms. This is it Liam. This is goodbye. I thought I would get used to syringes being shoved into my arm after having my kidney to be taken out cause I was so sick as a small child.

This is different. This is a shot meant to hurt me. He injects Annie then Sophie then me.

I scream through the masking tape as he injects Soph across from me and I kick at his legs but he just laughs. Sophie falls soundly asleep into my lap.

"Sofhee? Sofhee?"

I try to scream out her name through tape but it's useless. I want to cradle her in my arms but I can't. I can't let it end like this.

As I get injected, I slowly become dizzy and nauseous. I try to fight it by holding my eyes wide open but I just can't stay awake.

The man closes the door and goes into the drivers seat and begins to drive us somewhere.

Without another ounce of my being left, I fall on top of Sophie.

(A/N: *le gasp* heh

Hmmmmmmm should I just stop here? Comment if you don't think I should... That was a big enough upload for today. ;). xx)

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