Rooming with Royals [14]

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Violet's P.O.V.

Walking down the hallway, I hummed as Jennifer Lopez's 'Follow the Leader' blared through my earphones. Bryson was next to me too busy BBMing (Black-Berry Messaging) his sister back home. He was wearing a plain white shirt with dark blue ripped jeans and black converse, his hair was messy making him look like he just woke up from bed.

Out of the corner of my eyes, everyone was looking at us with curious eyes. I paid them no mind as their staring continued. Them looking at , me to be exact, was a little nerve racking. I never wanted to be in the spotlight since it makes me uncomfortable, which is what I am right now.

"It'll always be like that, you know." My eyes landed on Bryson who was still texting and boy was he fast! "Everyone will stare at you, look up to you and you'll always be the center of attention." He continued still not looking at me .

"So stop feeling uneasy." He finally looked at me with a small smile. I nodded and took a deep breath as I thought of what he just said. I will always be the center of attention...Yay, note the sarcasm! We finally reached the field surrounding the school and walked ahead.

Today I'm going to start my first day training and I'm nervous as hell. Yesterday, I kept having nightmares of losing control over my power and kept on waking up in the middle of the night breathing heavily and sweating.

"You there?" My eyes landed on Bryson who was waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah sorry, I was just thinking about something." His eyes shone with mischievousness as a smirk planted on his face.

"Thinking of someone who has black hair and silver eyes?" He stated with a teasing smile. I scowled and put my hands on my hips.

I stated pointing index finger towards Bryson. "No"

He chuckled as we continued strolling to the training field.

"And why is that?" He asked fluttering his eyelashes reminding me of girly girls.

"Because he's, he's... bad." I mentally slapped myself. God I was such a stupid girl, bad... really?

Bryson's eyes shot upward in surprise, "bad?" Bryson looked like he will burst into fits of laughter any second. .

"Oh just let it go!" I huffed fixing my shirt; I really shouldn't have wore it. Bryson chuckled and shook his head, amusement written on his face. I heard him murmur 'suit yourself' but decided to let it go. We reached the training field and were surprised when we saw all three trainers standing at the other end of the field. The lady that helped me get through my water test had a small smile on her face. She was wearing a baby blue V-necked dress with a pair of flats. Her bright blonde hair was hanging loose and her eyes sparkled with excitement.

I recognized the man next to her from my soil test but what amazed me was that both the lady in blue and the man looked alike. The other man to his right had bright brown eyes and glowing blue eyes, he looked like he was in his mid forties. I directly knew that he was my trainer for the air element. I frowned when I didn't see my fourth trainer, my Fire trainer.

"Don't worry, he'll come." Bryson whispered. My frown deepened when I saw Bryson trying to hide his smile. I tilted my head to the side looking at Bryson with questioning eyes. Bryson looked away shaking his head with a small smile on his face.

There are a lot of surprises left for you.

A voice repeated in my head. I shook my head trying to forget what I heard and focused on the trainers that were coming my way. Bryson and I started moving in their direction; with each step, I became more nervous..

"Hello Violet, I assume you remember us." The woman smiled warmly at me. I nodded as a reply and shot her a smile of my own.

"Well, I'm Elisa." She introduced herself extending her hand for me to shake. "This is my brother Victor and the man to his right is Anthony." I said my hello to both Victor and Anthony and they replied with a hello of their own.

"Okay then, let's go straight to business." Elisa clapped her hands together.


I sat on the ground taking few calming breaths in. Sheesh, did they have to push me that far? My first training was with Anthony, my Air trainer. I'm actually surprised to say that Air was the easiest of all the three elements. All I did was using my imagination and as Anthony said, unleash the power that's in me. As for Victor, my Earth trainer, things didn't go so well. I faced a lot of difficulty with trying to make a huge hole in the ground but with Victor by my side, it got a little easier... a little.

Water was good, I did everything Elisa told me to and succeeded; except drenching her in water; well that's another story, you see she asked me to use my power to summon water and make a big circle using it. Everything went fine until Bryson started cussing aloud making me drop all the water on Elisa.

Elisa, Victor and Anthony left a while ago saying that I did well except for Elisa who gave me a piece of her mind; I swear that woman is crazy.

"This stupid blackberry just won't work." Bryson groaned throwing his blackberry on the ground.

"Wait a second, so you're telling me that the reason why I lost control over water was because your blackberry wasn't working?" I asked standing up, disbelieve evident on my features. Bryson only nodded as he started to pace back and forth.

"I wanna get the new iPhone! It's way better than this shitty phone!" He whined picking up his blackberry from the ground and glared at it. "Or maybe the new Motorola; that would be so awesome." He grinned looking at me with excited eyes.

"Then why don't you get one?"

"Well, this is the fiftieth phone that I wreck and my parents warned me that they won't bring me another if I ruined this." He replied sounding defeated. I shook my head in disbelief and chuckled, that boy is unbelievable.

"Hey, do you know why my Fire trainer didn't come yet?" I asked changing the subject.

"No, E-" He paused looking like a deer caught in headlights, "Ah, I mean your trainer should come soon." He replied giving me a smile that was full of nervousness. Am I missing something? Bryson looked behind me and suddenly his features relaxed.

"Hey Eros."

"Hi." Eros's musical voice filled my ear. He greeted me with a smile and I waved a hello. All of us chatted for awhile, that's until Bryson and Eros started talking boxing making it my cue to tune out.

"And that's Giovanni right over there." Bryson declared while standing next to me. I suddenly felt Eros's hand pressing against my lower back making me turn rigid. I looked up at him, trying to comprehend what was he doing but was shocked when I saw that his face was neutral.

I found myself staring at Giovanni and another guy coming this way. Giovanni was wearing a button up white t-shirt and black pants. He had his hair combed backwards making him look more like an executive.

The other person, who looked in his early twenties, had emo styled blond hair and big black eyes, big plump rosy lips and an amazing jaw line. He was wearing a sleeveless bright blue shirt and a pair of white sweats making him look even sexier than he already was.

"Hi guys." Giovanni greeted with a smile. I smiled back and said my hello waiting for him to introduce the new hubba-bubba behind him. The guy behind who was staring at Eros had a huge smirk on his face.

"Guys, this is Peter." Giovanni introduced. "Violet, from now on, Peter is going to be your new personal trainer. As you know, a princess should be trained well so she can go through everything and Peter right here is going to help you." Giovanni finished with a grin on his face. Bryson was the first one to greet Peter and then my turn came.

"Nice to meet you Peter." I extended my hand but instead of him shaking it, he took it in his and kissed it.

"Pleasure to meet you my lady." He said looking up at me. I blushed avoiding his gaze and retreated my hand. The atmosphere turned uncomfortable when Eros and Peter's eyes locked. Peter smirked and Eros's fists clenched. I looked at Giovanni and Bryson trying to understand what was going on but they looked as lost as I was.

" Hello cousin."

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