FLITC | Serving The Homeless

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FLITC | Serving The Homeless
(^ Ayana Reid Baker)

"Ug, it's so fricking cold," Ayana grumbled as she got into her car before the cold could come in and bite her in the ass. It was only November, and it was getting really chilly in the small city she lived in. Half of her didn't want to leave her house, but she knew that she had to fill out this application for this job because she didn't have wifi at her place at the moment. So she took her lazy self out of her warm bed just to go to her favorite cafe to complete this important task.

Ayana Reid Baker was a twenty-two year old college graduate with a bachelor's degree and with a high IQ. She was a dark skinned, thick curly headed girl who was deeply in love with different types of books. Ayana was trying to become a teacher because that has always been her dream job ever since she was little. When she graduated high school she went straight to college to get her bachelor's degree, and now at the age of twenty-two she already had her life planned out ahead of her. She worked way too hard to get where she is now.

The city she lived in was small named ChiSha, but it was just right for her. She moved out of her hometown for some space from her family and from the toxic environment she used to live in. Ayana had a small one bedroom apartment on the upper east side, and she currently worked at this fancy restaurant that surprisingly paid good enough for her to pay her bills. She worked both the chef and waitress position, and if she did both in one shift then she would earn some bonus cash for working hard, she was on the right track.

She pulled up to the cafe and got inside. Not too many people were here since it was a cold and slow Monday morning. So Ayana went to the corner of the cafe to set up her laptop and hook onto the excellent wifi they had. It was her favorite spot in the whole entire cafe because it was close to the heater and she could see everything that was going outside. She could see the cars passing by and see people walking on the sidewalk, but what caught her eye was a homeless boy sitting outside in the cold.

Her bottom lip slightly poked out seeing him shiver. The blanket he had over his body was thin and almost torn up. He wore a black hoodie over his head that had holes in them, and some raggedy washed out jeans that also had many rips in them. The boy had to be around her age to what she assumes. His face was dirty and there was no doubt that he was very hungry.

She didn't even have to contemplate on what she should do. Ayana got up from the high stool and grabbed her black wallet, making her way towards the cash register.

"Hi, how can I help you?" Asked the register girl named 'Caren' who seemed a little too happy on this cold Monday morning.

Ayana cleared her throat, "Hey um..can I have just like five b-blueberry muffins, a large cut omelet, two regular toasted b-bagels, and a large cup of hot cocoa please?"

The girl was a little taken back from Ayana's order, but she punched everything in and gave her the total, "Is that all?"

"Um..c-can you add another cup of hot cocoa to t-that?" Ayana asked shyly.

"Got it," the girl added the drink. "Your total will be $26.19."

Ayana pulled out a thirty and handed it to the girl, waiting for her change and her receipt.

"Your order will be done in a minute," Caren says smiling.

"Okay thanks," Ayana says softly before moving to the side, waiting for her food and drinks to be done.

"Is all that food just for you?" Caren asked raising a brow at her.

Ayana played with her fingers nervously, she nodded her head slowly, "Y-Yeah..it's for me."

"Alright," Caren says walking away to the back.

Now, Ayana was a very soft spoken girl that didn't say too much. She had a little bit of social anxiety, but she was trying her best to get better at her communicating skills when it came to talking to other people. Ayana knew that if she wanted to become a teacher then she would have to put on her big girl panties. She couldn't be a shy teacher in front of her students and around her co-workers. A long time ago she had a bad speech impediment, but with many speech classes in elementary through middle school then she became better at speaking to people. She still got nervous at times but she was getting much better.

"Here you go," moments later a big sack of food was being handed towards Ayana along with a cup holder for the hot cocoas.

"Thank you," Ayana says softly before she left the cafe momentarily.

The bitter cold wind hit her face full on the moment she pushed the door open. She looked down the sidewalk, the sidewalk that the homeless boy was sitting on, with his back leaning against some brick walls peaking out from the alley he was in. He tried his best to protect himself from the cold but the thin blanket he was using was useless.

Right before she was going to hand him the food she went to her car to grab the extra thick dark blue blanket she had in her backseat just in case of emergencies. With hands full of items she made her way over to him.

As she started to walk closer she became a little nervous. Not that she was scared of homeless people, but it was because she saw how rude some of them could get when you try to help him. But Ayana was gonna take a risk and see how everything goes.

She got closer and cleared her throat to catch his attention where she was greeted with some beautiful chocolate eyes.

"Yes?" He asked weakly, wondering what this girl wanted and why she was here standing in front of him with people passing by looking at her weirdly. This boy had seen her many times in the cafe before; in her same favorite spot, on her laptop. He had a clear view of her everytime she was there—he found her looking quite beautiful actually today and he couldn't help but to gawk at how lovely she looks up close. The boy couldn't believe that she was here right now.

"I-I got you some t-things," she stuttered before squatting down and handing him his food and putting the blanket over his shoulders. "I saw that y-you were cold..so I-I came to help."

He couldn't believe that this was really happening to him. It wasn't the fact he wasn't grateful, but because she was the first person to go out of her way to get him some food, a drink, and a blanket, "You didn't have to do this for me," his voice was so soft that she barely hear him, but the look in his eyes said otherwise.

"I had to," Ayana says giving him the hot cup of cocoa. "I-It's the least I can do."

He took a sip of the hot beverage and sighed in bliss as he felt the warm liquid traveling down his dry throat. The boy was grateful that she had came around or else he wouldn't have lasted another day out here in the bitter cold, surviving alone.

"What's your name?" Ayana asked him gently.

He looked at her, then his smoldering eyes flickering away, "It's J-Justin."

"I'm Ayana," she says extending her hand out towards him.

That's so pretty, he thought aloud as he shook her warm hand.

"Thanks..Justin is a c-cool name," she giggles, feeling her cold cheeks warm up by his compliment.

Ayana was adorable to Justin. He couldn't lie that he didn't find this girl beautiful. She had a warm nature, and he liked that.

"Do you need anything else?" Ayana asked, her stuttering was now under control as she slowly started to have a small conversation with him.

"No..I'm fine," he says holding his hot cup closer to him. "Thank y-you though..for all of t-this."

"No problem," Ayana stood up to her full height, sending him a soft smile. "I'll see you soon."

He watched her walk away until her frame became smaller and smaller. Just when he starting to give up Ayana came and restored some hope back.




- BookOfBandz

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