23. i know yall are "shook"

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"i loved her"


"i treated her with love."


"i would never do anything to hurt her."


"she cheated on me."

extreme lie.

i sat there in tears everyone was asking me what was wrong and i couldn't bring myself to answer. david sat next to me and looked scared like he didn't know what to do. corinna was sat next to me on my other side with her hand high on my thigh. everyone else was in front of us unsure of what to do.

"baby you gotta give us something." zane sighed.

"j-c" i said in between tears. everyone looked shocked and confused. i haven't talked about him in months.

"what?" david backed away in shock and anger.

"no- he posted on- youtube" i cried again. zane pulled up his phone to check what i was talking about.

"exposing my ex girlfriend." zane read out loud and i cried even more.

"what?" everyone chorused and i cried even more. he clicked on the video, jc's voice filling the whole room.

"hey guys... today i have a pretty hard video to make... im going to be telling you my side of my recent relationship. a lot of you weren't clear on what happened so i'm here to clear it up." he started off with a sigh.

"what the fuck." david said and walked over to watch the video.

"so i grew up with this girl, a lot of you know her but i'm not going to be using names. she was one of my best friends i cared for her with all my heart. we had gone through so much when we were younger. hell she was my first kiss, my first date, my first time, my first love." he sighed again. david looked at me with shock and i shook my head.

"lies." i sniffled.

"anyways... we got older and drifted away she found a new boyfriend who she seemed to really like but you could tell he didn't like her. every time i saw her she had a new bruise on her body. it sucked watching someone you love fall for someone who hurt them constantly and not just mentally, he hurt her emotionally and physically. i knew i would never do anything to hurt her." he continued.

"anyways.. we stopped talking for a few years.. then at a fourth of july party she was at a friend of mines and we reconnected. she finally broke up with her boyfriend and i thought that maybe we could try something new. so i took her on a few dates it started off really well but then she started changing. i treated her with love, i loved her but she started being really aggressive, rude, mean, it was so weird." he coughed and i could hear his voice change to really sad. "i tried to fix things but it didn't seem to work. one day she cancelled on our date because she was sick so i thought i could bring her some soup, her favorite movies, medicine just a bunch of cute shit. when i got to her place i caught her having sex with another youtuber she had been flirting with. a bunch of people shipped them and she was always in his vlogs. after that i ended things. i stoped posting and going out. i was terribly heart broken and didn't know what to do."

"this is such shit." toddy shook his head.

"so i'm not posting this to throw shade or start beef. this is a video to warn you guys. people change, sometimes for the worst so don't try to change them because you'll be the one getting hurt in the end. people aren't who they say they are and it's such bull crap but it's true. so that's it for today's video i hope it cleared up some stuff. ill see y'all next time." the video ended and i started to cry again.

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