19. i missed your lips

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thursday, august 3, 2017

"tell me something i don't know about you." david said as we cuddled on my bed.

i thought for a moment before answering, "i can sing." i shrugged. "well liza and all my friends back home said i can." i blushed.

"sing for me." he smiled.

"you can't put me on the spot like that." i laughed.

"it's what everyone asks when someone says they can sing, so technically you put yourself on the spot." david smirked.

"shut up." i laughed and shoved him away.

"no, come back." david whined and pulled me back to him.

"ill sing for you later." i smiled.

"okay." he nodded.

"how cute." liza said from the doorway.

"hey liza." i smiled and turned over to face my best friend.

"i came in earlier but you two were still sleeping." she smiled.

"sorry." i blushed. "what did you need?" i asked.

"kristen, gabbie and i are heading out for brunch at noon, want to come?" she asked.

"don't go.." david groaned.

"ill hang out with you after." i compromised.

"but i wanna cuddle now." he stuck out his bottom lip and made a puppy dog face.

"ill see you after." i said, ignoring his cute face. i pecked his lips without realizing and pulled away with wide eyes. "i'm going to start getting ready." i said fast and hurried out of the room, dragging liza with me.

"holy shit, i didn't know best friends kissed each other these days. where's my kiss?" liza jokes and puckered her lips.

"i really suck at sending normal signals." i whined. "that probably just confused him even more." i face palmed and sat on lizas bed.

"want me to kick him out?" liza grinned.

"no, that's okay." i shrugged and got off of her bed. "i'll do it." i frowned and walked back over to my room.

"so i'm just going to head out." david said holding all of his stuff in the hallway. "i'll uh... see you later?" he said in more of a questioning tone.

"uh sure." i blushed and didn't make eye contact with him. we walked closer to each other and like every awkward situation we walked in the same direction and bumped into each other. then we did the same in the other direction and then again. i sighed of frustration and grabbed his shoulders turning us so that we were on the side we were trying to get to. "bye." i said and walked into my room.

"see ya." he said and basically ran out of the house.

"that was super awkward." liza laughed.

"piss off." i mumbled and went through my closet to pick out and outfit. liza raised her hands in defense and went back to her room.

"damn." gabbie said.

"i know." i sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"has he texted you or anything?" kristen asked and took a sip of her drink.

"nope." i said and took a sip of my drink. "i feel so stupid." i groaned in annoyance.

"i bet he feels stupider." liza said making me feel worse.

"liza!" gabbie laughed and smacked liza lightly.

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