17. you will die for this idiot

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tuesday, august 1, 2017

it was starting. i was surprised it hasn't started earlier. but a few weeks later and the nightmares were starting. i was reliving the whole thing again and i was terrified. it seemed so real, i could feel his hand meeting my face again, i could feel his kicks against my stomach. i screamed out in pain as tears streamed down my face.

at first it was the first man who ever laid a hand on me. the first man i let take care of me with love other than my real father. he threw the beer glass to the floor and marched over to me with bright red eyes. he smacked me hard in the face multiple times until it was enough. his face and the whole setting changed to anthony and my apartment.

i looked up at anthony, who had a vicious smile on his face as he repeatedly kicked me and called me names. words left his mouth each one was a twist of a knife in my heart. i looked down again at where he was kicking that was now pouring out blood from my stomach.

"stop!" i cried as my body shook and i tried to get away. "anthony!" i screamed.

"i should kill you right now!" he yelled and dragged me back to him. i watched him as his face morphed into someone new. the man stood there in all black with his stupid hat covering his shaggy hair that needed a hair cut.

"david!" i screamed and tried to get out of the situation. i screamed more than ever before scared of the boy i wanted to love.

"you're a stupid slut and deserve what you get!" he yelled and continued to kick me. i cried out for help, for liza, for gabbie, for kristen, but no body came. i was in that situation for hours and i couldn't bare it.




"wake up!" the person yelled and i jolted up from my bed with tears streaming down my face.

"he was there, they both were, they wouldn't stop and i couldn't stop them." i cried into liza shoulder.

"shh, its okay, it was just a nightmare." liza rubbed my back and pet my head.

"it felt so real liza, i could feel every punch, slap, and kick. it was terrible." my whole body shook as i held her tight.

"who? who was hitting you?" she asked and pulled away to look at me in the face.

"rob, anthony, and..." i shut my eyes as more tears fell in fear of saying the name i was about to say.

"who else?" she asked and wiped away my tears.

"david." i said and started bawling.

"oh no, honey." liza poured and pulled me in for another hug. "david would never hurt you, you know that." she said and started petting my hair again.

"thats what im scared of liza. my last and only real boyfriend hurt me, and before that the man that i looked up to that i thought could be my next father hurt me. i don't want david to join them." i sniffled and wiped my tears.

"he won't, david hates them as much as everyone else does." she smiled. "he may put you through some shit for the vlogs but he cares about you too much to ever lay a hand on you in that way."

"you're right, thank you." i smiled and hugged liza again. "sorry for waking you." i frowned.

"E, its almost 1pm i've been awake." she chuckled and got off of the bed.

"oh fuck." i sighed and hurried to get ready. i grabbed all of my clothes and jumped in the shower. i quickly showered, changed, did my make up and hair in under an hour.

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