153: Unrequited Love Hurts

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Just as he had said, Bright did exactly what he wanted to do on Lea. As soon as they got back to the Castle, he asked for clothes from Oliver to which the latter immediately agreed, and even added hundreds some more. Thinking he could provide something for Lea, Oliver's mood improved and decided to make it even more extravagant by pushing her into taking a wonderful bath with servants abound.

Hence, Lea was subjected into a set of healthy skin care treatment. From having her pale skin rubbed clean, to being massaged to sleep, she was then dressed up in silk clothes that felt comfortable against her skin. Bright made a few alterations the way Lea would have liked it; short and light, albeit not flimsy.

"The fabric is really good..." Lea softly said, rubbing the edges of her left sleeve and pacing her feet left and right to confirm that the berth of her pants-skirt was wide enough for her to move around with ease. She looked similar to a gypsy with golden anklets and bangles, while her long black hair was braided on her back, adorned with white pearls.

Once others saw her in this getup, silence followed as their heart fluttered at how mesmerizing she looked. Her natural careless beauty was already enough to topple their heart, but now that she was cleaned and dressed, it was like falling in love with her again. And so they did, feeling the heat rush to their head. Especially Bright who couldn't quite believe what he had done. "You look beautiful..." He whispered hotly. His words confirmed everyone's thoughts.

"The clothes suit you very well." Raize quietly said, before turning around to leave. He almost never did compliment people. Although he was indifferent and shameless to a whole lot of things, giving feedback of how one looks rarely came into mind. This time, Lea was simply too breathtaking that even when he softly relayed his good intentions, his voice was tinge with raspiness from shyness. Upon his exit, nobody noticed the suspicious blush on his ears and his awkward speedy escape.

Seth smoothly went over to Lea to grab her hand and lead her away. "Do come, Lea. I've made tea ready for you..." Although he was leading the way, his crimson eyes were ablaze as they critically looked at her up and down, over and gain. While Victor on the other hand wrapped himself around Lea's neck, looking like a furry scarf that only accentuated her small face. Upon his half-lidded, barely noticeable smugness could be discerned; very much proud of the woman he had chosen.

Seeing this, Bright wished so painfully he could turn into some sort of furry as well! Beside him, Oliver's eyes followed after Lea's shadow with melancholy, before shaking his head and leaving towards his Study; there were much too many things needed to be done after his long absence. Compliments had been said by others, and simply seeing her contended was enough for him. He couldn't hope for more.

Nia rolled on the floor, hugging his bushy tail as he felt his heart suffused with warmth and excitement. He badly wanted to jump on Lea when he saw her come out of the dressing room, but it would have been too rude of him. After what he had done the first time he allowed himself to succumb to his instincts, he couldn't be careless anymore, so he tried very hard to hold back. And the only way he could was wiggle by himself, hoping the fire in him would die down eventually. He turned his body over and again, entangling his hair into a mess, as well as his clothes, yet the fire remained and he could only whimper pitifully. Slowly, he attempted to crawl out of sight; Out of sight, out of mind...


Lea and company remained in the City of Wern until things stabilized, making sure Oliver had no more quarrels with his remaining officers and the newly appointed ones. After much deliberation, Oliver finally said to Lea as he joined her for tea one afternoon.

"Lea, please forgive me for this." He begun, continuing with his intention before Lea could respond. "I realized I am still too naive and too merciful to my people. Thanks to you, I am saved once again... But this will not do, and I don't feel good remaining in this position with my current confidence." His confidence that was once strong, had now diminished by quite a lot due to the recent difficulties in Ingrid. What he had been able to accomplish can be considered incredible amongst the previous Emperors of Mingzhe Dei, yet the last straw of his determination slowly dwindled from the many betrayals he had experienced while on the throne.

Reincarnated As The Heroine?! I refuse!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon