73: Reading You

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"Major-General, please take a rest. I'm sure your father can handle himself wherever he is." Urged a well-dressed man, his hands outstretched to support Kiel's haggard appearance.

Ever since he heard his father had gone missing, Kiel has been neglecting his daily meals, daily training, daily meetings and practically everything else aside from researching where else could his father gone to. He was starting to suspect the nation Drakon, but he held his doubt as there was no evidence to prove his theory just yet.

"Raize have been taking care of the beast in the northern section of the Cronn's Path, Sir. Ulla have progressed well with her relationship with Prince Ulyssis Tigres of Felicity Domain. If there has been any change at all, they were all for the benefit of your cause." The gentleman continued when Kiel continued to not pay him any heed.

"They were looking for you. They found the person they were looking for." 

And as soon as the words left his mouth, Kiel collapsed.


Within a well-lit room, bookshelves containing numerous engineering books, detailing mechanical programming, electrical architectures, electricity, gear allocations and combinations, and other topics concerning on how to build huge machines. The collection was certainly highly unusual as it expressed highly advanced knowledge that is far beyond what other nations knew.

Behind an office desk, a young man with bloodshot eyes continued to write a book. He would occasionally mutter incomprehensible formulas or phrases that only he had any knowledge about. Every half an hour, he would bend his back to cry. His sobs would linger and resound in the room that was empty with life except for himself.

At a corner, there appears to be a bed. A bed with a body laid and covered on top of it. Its pungent smell spread all over the walls and in the air. It was clearly a dead body, left unattended.

Then a knock on the door woke the young man from his musing, his bloodshot eyes darted to the only huge door of the castle. He did not answer to the call and simply stared at the direction intently. The next few moments was filled with eerie silence, then came the sound of the door being creaked open. What was revealed was a woman wearing full white garments. She appeared to be beautiful. Her eyes akin to his, she turned her head to a corner of the room, only to slightly frown.

"It's about time you let go of your father." Her voice so stern, her face remained ice cold. She did not seem to have any warmth for the young man, who happened to be her child.

"................." Instead of responding to her words in kind as a son should, he simply glared his bloodshot eyes to the woman before him. Hatred and sadness filled his soul. 

Exasperated by his usual behavior, the woman spun herself towards the rotten corpse of her husband. With a flick of her fingers, several men came in with a stretcher at hand. And in another moment, the corpse was hauled out of the room, only leaving the strong scent of death.

But the young man remained unresponsive. His bloodshot eyes now unfocused. He was immensely distracted by something unknown. The woman could only frown as she headed for the door, but before she was able to leave completely, she fell face forward onto the ground.

She looked back what could've made her stumble only to shriek, completely horrified. 2 feet away from where she laid, from her calf down could be seen oozing with blood. At the center of each calf, the bone morrow could be seen. It was a disgusting sight. What was even more disturbing was that, it was not only her lower leg that was gone, her life was too. And so darkness engulfed her being.

In an instant, silence took over the room once again. What filled the room was the scent of fresh blood and murder...

The young man continued to mutter incomprehensible words... 


Amidst the busy dealings in Sabio, a dilapidated house complex appeared to be busy. A crowd amassed a wall to the entrance, but none could take the courage to step in. As for what reason, it was due to a few scary men blocking the path.

The news of an enchanting woman spread all over the city, leaving endless trouble to Lea in their wake. She became the most famous person after a couple of nights since she arrived. Incomprehensible, she thought. But at the same time, she thought of how she could make use of her popularity to get her hands on the King. This was of course, only known to her and Ingrid. [A/N: If you don't count me.]

In the fourth floor of the building, where most of the room remained untouched, a group of people gathered around a certain young girl. Her hair glowed with its purple hue, while her eyes glittered with its ruby orbs. Her smile was soft and kind as she looked on the two equally beautiful beings in her line of sight.

"You were gone so long..." Muttered Ulla as she enclosed Lea in a tight hug. Lea returned the gesture by holding the former's back shoulder, lacing her hands underneath Ulla's arms. The latter appeared uncomfortable with hugs, but her face expressed a pleasant shine.

Behind Ulla was a youth with lustrous raven hair and unreadable obsidian eyes. His gaze never leaving Lea for a second. 

Her ruby eyes and his dark ones met, and they both knew then how they missed their witty moments together. "I learnt how to bring a person from a certain death door." She said softly, which earned her a brilliant smile from Raize. His obsidian eyes expressed mirth never seen before.

He wanted to reach out for her, but it would have appeared uncharacteristic of him. Instead, he slowly approached her and grabbed her free hand. Ulla immediately separated herself from Lea, giving her and Raize a moment.

He continued to hold her hand in silence, and Lea remained quiet as they continued to simply stare at their connected hands. He was starting to play with her soft fingers, which caused her to feel slightly tickled. But she did not move.

Once she looked up, she realized how much Raize had grown. He was inches taller than before and his hair much longer, down to his neck and almost reaching his shoulders. His features more manly, and his atmosphere even more mysterious. Despite everything that has changed, she was relieved that she could still read his obsidian eyes. 

She could see he was desperate and he was holding back something. She waited, but Raize did not make a move. Not knowing what was holding him back, she sigh with a smile. Her actions made him look up into her ruby eyes, then she combed his soft hair.

It was very soft. He must have washed it before he came to meet her.

Her actions caused several of the men in the room to go rigid, but otherwise, they remained quiet. Too quiet. Even Bright was silent. Ulla was feeling giddy.

Ingrid was silently nervous.

Then it happened. So swift and quiet, Raize kissed the back of Lea's hand that he was holding. She could feel his soft lips, and the warmth it brought to her skin. "Tell me when you plan to leave next time." Was all he said before he glanced to her ruby eyes that seemed to understand his meaning.

With a small smile, she said, "Okay."

With her word, Raize knew it was a promise between the two of them.

Her ruby eyes said so.

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