152: Dangerous Budding Feelings

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     Dark and beautiful, that was how the City of Wern looked like. Yet at the seemingly bustling Public Plaza where a huge fountain stood erect, blood and mangled human bodies were sprawled on the floor. As if an excellent, but psychotic artist graced the square with his own definition of creativity. Along the cobblestones, toenails and fingernails were splattered not far away from their owners. The expressions of each officials and members of certain noble houses were ghastly, tear stricken, bloody and utterly miserable. Their eyes were red, while their cheeks had dried up tears mixed with dirt. And they remained conscious, trembling where they were forced to kneel for the sins they committed.

     The blood dripping from their fingers and toes had dried, leaving in their wake an unsightly mess. Red flesh burst at their tip, leering for the cover that had been forcefully removed. Despite the criminals' harsh punishment, none of them could complain any longer. Their crimes were revealed for all eyes and ears, making everyone aware that even the ones living in prestige and riches could stoop so low.

     Standing arrogantly atop a stage, Lea in her military uniform and long black hair glowered at the sinful humans. "Bring out the evidences." She shortly said, her voice cold and indifferent; sharp were her eyes, cutting the heart of many.

     At her words, Seth who was wearing a slight smile made his bow, before swiftly turning to leave. Not even a moment longer, he came back pulling a cart of corpses. With just a gust of wind, the reeking smell of blood and expired organs assaulted everyone's nostrils. Those with sharp sense of smell became nauseous, while the rest puked from the sight. Placed on the huge wooden cart, members of the Turtle Ninjas lay, their limbs disfigured in different places. Blood still continued to drip down the cart, soaking the yellow wood crimson red.

     "Ahhhh!!" A yell resounded, and like waves, all else followed.

     An old woman's face distorted in disgust as she whispered to her husband, "This is just so cruel. How could they do this to anybody at all?"

     The kind husband gently replied, his voice laced with pity and regret, "It is sad. Sad for the dead, and their bereaved family..."

     Then she said sharply, "This is not the sort of justice that should be spread to the young!"

     Her kind husband then politely replied, shaking his head, "No, it is not."

     However, even when she said all this, she was trembling with pent up anger at the sinners, softly saying, "...But they deserved it."

     Her husband did not say anything, silently holding his wife in his arms, careful not to stumble and fall in between the crowd. He had no mind to say, nor heart to speak his opinion. It was not a place to say anything likewise at all.

     A lady collapsed, no longer able to stomach the dreadful scene. And another woman fell on her husband's embrace, closing her eyes with a deep frown on her face. Several faces paled as they were able to see the litter of corpses clearer by the minute, carefully pulled by the lithe handsome youth whose hair was a striking pink in hue. In comparison to everyone's reaction, the youth was smiling with his crimson eyes twinkling with mirth. He was obviously enjoying himself, making his steps light and rhythmic.

     His steps echoed in the Public Plaza that was now deadly silent. If anyone asked if today was a special day, then one could say 'yes' it was, for it was full of tragedy. One dead man after another with more being revealed. Was there no end to people being killed mercilessly? What has the world turned out to be? 

     "There lies the affiliated conspirators that kept the truth and fabricated lies to fool everyone. They kept the citizens from learning their own Emperor's whereabouts, delaying his rescue, almost extinguishing his life." Lea coldly explained, while her piercing eyes scanned the crowd, barely restraining the anger bubbling within.

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