2: Being taken advantage for sneaking from behind!

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At a certain shore, an unconscious young man lay on the white sands. His black lashes trembled as his consciousness was returning, vaguely remember gulping down loads of fresh water and salt water. Licking his dry lips as his eyes opened to reveal a pair of limpid blue eyes, an exhausted groan inadvertently escaped his mouth.

"You've finally awoken. It's been 2 days straight for you, Bright." Said Raize who was sitting on a comfortable log. Little alteration was made to be suitable for seating. He was currently revising plans in his notebook.

Bright blinked his eyes and then suddenly heard his stomach rumble in protest. Rubbing his stomach as well as his shaggy hair at the same time, Bright softly asked: "Any food...?"

"Hunt your own. Lea's somewhere in the woods. Not sure what she is up to, but we haven't made much progress since we arrived here."

"Oh right. The people living in the port town are still wary of us, so you better be careful roaming about." Added Ulla, and to Bright's surprise, she has also been around writing down something on her cute notepad.

Bright simply nodded, having no energy to react like usual. Movements akin to that of a zombie.

Inside the nearby forest, Lea appeared to be thoughtful while looking up at the clear blue sky.
She quietly hummed peacefully by her lonesome, as if she had no care for anything else.

Suddenly, her eyes sharpened layered with a dangerous glint as she grabbed a stone that's 2x2 inches large, and swiftly threw it with all her might to her left peripheral view. Catching the target unguarded.

"Brother!!" Cried the youth who uncovered himself to check up on his big brother. His big brother slumped on the ground after being hit squarely on his torso by Lea's shot.

The boy heard faint steps coming his way, and just when he turned around to look, his heart stopped just for a moment. A beautiful girl with long black hair and piercing redish eyes was looming over him. Her gaze cold, questioning and dignified. He was instantly captivated by her looks only to remember his big brother had gone unconscious.

"Why have you been sneaking behind me?" Lea asked indifferently.

The boy suddenly felt fearful, especially hearing her cold accusing tone. Nervousness controlled his mind, and he couldn't say a word in response. He simply fearfully looked at Lea.

Lea continued to patiently wait, not moving a muscle. She then deduced the boy could do nothing against her and lowered her guard.

"Move." Ordered stoically by Lea, which made him flinch. But he obeyed and scurried a few paces away. After a brief silence, Lea opened her mouth and said, "He is just fine. Although I think I dislocated his shoulder. I'll fix it right up if you help me."

Fearful for his life, and his brother's safety, he nodded in agreement. "W-what c-can I-I-I d-do....?"

"Find me a comfortable place to spend a few days. How about your home?"

The boy was surprised by the question. He then shook his head. "N-no. My h-home is not r-really... My p-parents don't l-like s-s-strangers..." His voice quivering due to the notion of having to reject Lea's fearsome might.

In response, Lea simply shrugged her shoulders. "Lead the way."

Rustles of the leaves came, and Bright saw the current scene. Noticing Lea with a youth in her arms, he simply had the urge to ask. "Lea! You found a husband already?!"

Lea spared Bright a gaze. And when she did, Bright immediately noticed Lea's changed countenance. He recognized the long hair and Lea's vague side profile, but her current appearance has even more improved since he last remembered. So he unconsciously asked, "What happened to your face?"

Reincarnated As The Heroine?! I refuse!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon