Chapter 30

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~~Chapter 30~~
This chapter is a blessing from heaven. Also, this has no set time it's just a cute chapter.👏🏼🙌🏼
~~The Death of a Bachelor~~
•「Lotor's POV」•
She's the reason I stayed at the torture of training, the reason I kept my long hair.

~Age Ten~
"Should I cut it, maybe then Papa would like me more?" I ask her, as we stare into the mirror. I play with a thin strand of my hair, as we stare together at me in the mirror.
"I like the long hair." Y/N bluntly states, resting her head on my shoulder. I smile a bit, but try to keep it unnoticeable.
"Papa might like me more if I cut it." I reason, as I rest my head on top of hers. She squirms ever-so-slightly, trying to get more comfortable.
"He'll snap something rude about how it took to long to cut your locks, then completely never even think about it." She snarls, a snarl on her face. She lifts her head, and looks me directly in the eyes.
"I like your hair long anyways." She jokes, pressing my forehead against hers. Long hair it is then.

~~End of Time skip~~
Years seemed like seconds, and I can't thinking about that day. Or how many times she's tried to reject me for "my benefit", and how she'll end up sad whilst I'm happy. Though, after the last occurrence I doubt I'll ever see her again. Thanks to those no-good Paladins, messing with her mind. My fist clenched, just thinking about them. Especially the short green one, and the stupid black one. She's always wanted a simple life, just a normal citizen. Always joking about how being with me would bring the word "normal" to a different term, her shoulders shaking as she laughs at her own joke.

~Thirteen years~
"How would you like to live your life?" I ask her, as she cleans my room. So focused on a simple on a small scratch, where I had gotten my dirty boots after coming back from an assassination.
"I honestly want a simple one, a few children and a husband. Living on our own small planet, in a small galaxy filled with kind people." She bluntly answers, finally getting the spot to disappear. An odd smile appears on her face, before she looks up at me.
"Though, If I ended up with someone like you, my definition of normal would have to be completely altered." She jokes, lightly hitting me with the wet towel. Wetting my black uniform pants, but I'm more focused on her. Laughing at her own joke, her shoulders slightly shaking. A true expression of happiness glowing on her face, which makes me smile a bit.

~End of Time Skip~
Her smile was rare, more rare then mine. Though when she did, no matter how bad the joke I always smiled when she did. Standing out against her paler then normal tan skin. The way her dirty-cream hair flowed as she shook her head, at my childishness and how stupid it was. Her hair wasn't cut often, so it was almost ridiculously long. Though, her mother would always braid it so it wouldn't look so. The pixie cut did more then suit her, she looks stunning with it. Showing off her eyes, and looking more laid back. Which contradicts her personality completely, now I'm laughing at my own joke. She had a tendency to laugh at her own bad jokes, even if she didn't understand it. From an awkward chuckle, to a full-blown crying because of her own crazy immaturity. If the laugh was fake, she would end of laughing because of my reaction. She always knew every spot on my face like the back of her hand, ever loose strand and barely even crooked tooth. Always knowing what expression I had on, even when my father couldn't read it.

~Age Sixteen~
"There you are!" She squeals, running up behind me. I turn to see her, though she had latched on my back. Shaking around as I try to squiggle out of her grip. I somehow manage to pry her off of me, just to swoop her up into a hug. She laughs as I squeeze the life out of her, as she fails miserably at trying escape my grip.
"Stop it you insufferable fool!" She squeaks, through puffs of laughter. I let her go, and she pushes off me at the same time. Making her land on her butt, as she lands on the cold tiled floor. I help her up, as she calms down from her burst of laughter. She studies my face, even though I have a smile spreading from ear to ear.
"What's the matter?" She asks, tilting her head to the side. The smile disappears off of my face, as I look at her completely surprised.
"I'm fine." I exclaim.

~End of Time Skip~
She spent the rest of her time, cleaning and comforting me all through her shift. Then afterwards spending her time, hanging out in my bedroom. Just laughing as we forget about our troubles, the past that we could never rid of. Here I am now, pinning after an unattainable girl. A girl who hates me, for what I didn't do. I didn't save her from the cell, because I was stupid and believed my lied of a father. I trusted him over my own sanity, which knew she was out there. In a place I could've easily gone, if I had figured out where she was. Though, I continued my life as it was planned. Not even noticing the fact that her mother died around the same time, her mother died because of me. All of this happened because of me, and my reckless heart. Maybe I am just a monster hiding in the shadows of my father.

~~Author's Note~~
RIP Hoshi- died due to the feelz. Thanks for the support when it some to my friend, she's doing a lot better! I'll leave with just a sweet goodbye this chapter, and thanks for SIX K READS I LOVE YALL.

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