Chapter 18

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~~Chapter 18~~

~~A Trip Back (This is a Flashback)~~
"Let go of me! Where are you taking me!" I hear a voice cry, as the door slides open to the secret cells. The voice is masculine and tough, have they brought another? If a prisoner showed too much adrenaline and violence at the moment, they'd just shove them in my cell and let them play with me. It happens all the time, and I've gotten pretty roughed up by a few of those times.
                 "Shut up! You'll get a bit of fun while you're crazy!" A soldier barked, I could tell it was one. The soldier was well respected, and so was assigned to deal with me. I could hear the prisoner struggling against the two holding him, grunting as he keeps failing at his goal. All of a sudden the three appear in front of me, and I look up to see who the prisoner was. The man was tall, with a nice build, his hair raven black, and eyes a piercing gray. There was a strange scar crossing right over the bridge of his nose, which brought more attention to his eyes. In a weird, but beautiful and shocking way.
"Have fun." The guard says, before opening my large jail cell. He shoves the man in, before leaving the area. The sound of the throne sliding, before it's completely quiet.
"Do whatever you want, I don't care at this point." I state, as I sit in the corner of the cell. The man looks over at me with clear pity, noticing the scars and bruises that decorate my pale skin.
"Wh-who are you?" The man asks, as he takes a seat near me. Too close for my liking, but I can't do anything about it.
"Y/N, if you don't mind me asking. I'd like to know my killer's name." I ask, I don't make eye contact though. I just keep staring at my feet, but I can feel his burning gaze on me.
"I'm Takashi Shirogane." Takashi reply's, a bit cautiously which makes me suspicious. Though, I just brush it off.
"Why don't I just call you Shiro?" I respond, Takashi is too long for my liking. I see him smile at the nickname out of the corner of my eye, and it almost makes me smile. Almost is the key word right now.
"Then I get to call you-" Shiro begins, pausing to think." Maigo, yeah.". He states, and smiles at it. I look at him with a confused expression, and he chuckles a bit.
"It's from my language." Shiro explains, with another chuckle. I smile, and wonder what it means. Although, I don't ask. I didn't really care to know, I don't know why though.
"What are you doing back here?" Shiro asks, that's an oddly new question. Well, when people come back here it's to beat me not befriend me.
"It's a long story." I state, with a grim expression on my face. He looks like he's about to ask more about it, but he sees my face and quickly shuts his mouth. What a gentleman.

               Time after time Shiro has come, almost 15 times now

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Time after time Shiro has come, almost 15 times now. Sometimes beat up and bloody, other times freshly clean. From staying too long a large chunk of his hair has turned a very pale white, and it's a nice look. It helps the scar bring out his deadly gray eyes, and make the look soft and lovable. Although, that just might be because I know him well enough.
"Hey. I'm back Maigo." Shiro cheerfully states, as he enters my cell. I smile at him, and immediately scoot over closer to him. He sits himself down next to me, and flashes me a smile.
"Guess what?" Shiro exclaims, bouncing a bit in his spot. I can't help but smile at him, which makes his smile even bigger.
"What?" I ask, the excitement getting to me too. I don't bounce, but I start playing my fingers.
"I've figured out a way to get out of here." He reply's, and I my smile disappears. I feel the color flush from my face, and I stop playing with my fingers. Shiro looks at me, and stops smiling too. A worried expression is plastered on his face, and he rests a hand only knee.
"What's the matter Maigo?" He asks me, his eyebrows creasing together. I look at him with a shocked look, but he doesn't react.
"Shiro, you can't do that. Th-they could kill you." I bark, I feel tears form in my eyes. I'm restraining myself from letting them fall, I couldn't seem weak right now.
"This is our chance to escape. To get out of here, isn't that what you want?" Shiro explains, tears of his own forming in his eyes. I look at him, and cup his face in my hands. His warm skin heating up my cold ones, giving a rush of heat.
"They took away my mother, I can't let them take you." I respond, the tears leaking from my eyes. As they pool out they land in the small gap between us.
"Please, you're all that I can save at this point." Shiro pleads, putting one of his own hands on my ice cold one. I take one of my hands and remove the one on my face. I shake my head, and return my gaze to him.
"Shiro, I'll slow you down. You can go, but I have to stay." I calmly respond, as I wipe away a tear that escaped form his eye. He smiles at me, and return it. He leans in closer, close enough to let out breaths mingle. Close enough so that I can count the shine in his eyes, close enough so I could see the faint freckles dotted across his nose. He leans even closer, and does something odd. He rubs his nose against mine, and smiles. I look at him, utterly confused.
"That's called an Eskimo kiss." He explains, and lets out an airy chuckle. I let the word run through my head, and smile at him. He backs away, just to come back for a hug. His earth swallowing me whole, as I rest my chin on his shoulder.
"I promise I will come back for you." Shiro whispers, before letting go. I immediately miss him, even though he's right in front of me. I smile at him, and he smiles back. I didn't want to realize how much I'd miss him, or how much I already did.

~~Author's Note~~
Hey! For the people who got frustrated that they didn't know what maigo meant, don't worry. I don't either, my friend recommended it. Two days in a row, that's a new record. I was bored, and I've really wanted to write a flashback chapter. I'm really pleased with how this turned out. Anyways remember to like, comment, check out my other stories, and follow me. And as they say, gee Rick!

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