Chapter 29

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~~Chapter 29~~
This story is almost over, unless I do a prequel which I don't plan on doing. So comment/dm me what should I do? Stranger Things, YouTuber, etc. Any idea isn't a terrible idea, and y'all are so much more creative then me.
~~First Time and The Last~~
•「Pidge's POV」•
               "What did you do to my Y/N!" Lotor cries, as he threatens us through the screen. Shiro and I were trying to talk him down and talk civilly, after the whole ordeal with her "breaking his heart". I don't know that Lotor had one, and since I guess he does I didn't know he knew how to use it.
"Nothing! We had no idea what she would do, anything she said she chose to say!" Shiro explains, trying to keep his cool. Whenever somebody tries to hurt anybody Shiro goes into dad-mode, which is what he's in right now.
"I know you're lying, she would never say anything like that!" Lotor yells, at the top of his lungs. Sitting at the edge of his chair, his knuckles turning a light pastel purple shade.
"She must've before, or something. Because she was the one who wanted to talk to you, not the other way around." I respond, hoping that I kept my cool. I'm trying to stay calm as well, but I really want to sock Lotor right in his perfect face.
"She wouldn't, I've known her longer then her own mother!" Lotor snaps at us, glaring at me through the screen. I roll my eyes at him, while Shiro tries to process what to say in his head.
"That doesn't prove anything, that's just a fact about another topic." Shiro bluntly states, after a few seconds of pondering. Lotor groans at Shiro, while I just nod my head in agreement.
"Where is she anyways, I bet you locked her in one of your prison cells." Lotor sneers, folding his arms over his chest.
               "She's not actually, she's in her room." Shiro explains, the corners of his mouth lifting ever-so-slightly. I chuckle at him, while his response makes Lotor fume in anger.
               "Then let me see her, you piece of moldy garbage!" Lotor commands, his face turning an odd shade of red.
I began to become a bit worried, though I can't show it.
               "I can't, she's asleep and that's very rude." Shiro snaps back, his anger getting the best of him. He quickly gains his composure though, and chills out.
               "If I were there in that ship, you all would be dead on the spot." Lotor growls, his hands tensing up even more. I gulp done the lump I didn't realize I had in my throat, and keep eye contact with Sata-I mean Lotor.
               "If you were on the ship, you'd be in one of the jail cells that we have." I retort, trying to sound confident. Though, we don't have actual jail cells. We have cryopods, but they are used only for healing.
               "You little, I want to rip you up piece by piece." Lotor sneers, letting out a little growl. I shake my head, and look directly into the cold Galra's eyes.
               "Okay, what would we have to do to prove that we didn't do what you think we forced Y/N to do?" Shiro asks, squirming a bit to get comfortable in his chairs. Lotor scoffs, before rolling his eyes at us dramatically.
               "I don't know, and at this point I am too busy to care. Goodbye Paladin Pidge and Paladin Takashi." Lotor sneers, before his annoyed face disappears. I let out a sigh of relief, before my whole body becomes noticeably less tense. I didn't even know I was this tense, oh quizznack.
               "What are we going to do about this?" Shiro asks, leaning down as he punches the bridge of his nose. I shake my head, and lean back in my chair.
               "I honestly have no freaking idea how we are, Lotor we've dealt with. But, she's a new one." I sigh, she being Y/N. Shiro nods his head, before throwing it back and loudly groaning. His Adam's apple clearly showing, while his white hair flops around.
               "Oh quizznack, it's going to be a long rest of the day." Shiro moans, as he slumps down into his chair. What time is it anyways, we don't have any real set night and day in here.
               "I agree." I mumble, as I curl up in my chair. Ready for a long nap.

               "Hey Pidge, Shiro

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               "Hey Pidge, Shiro. What's happening?" Hunk asks, as he enters the room. Carrying a tray of milkshakes, made by him and the Kaltenecker the cow.
               "Nothing." Shiro grumbles, lightly rubbing his eye. I guess he took a nap too. Hunk hands us our shakes, and we just nod ours heads in an odd way of saying "thanks". Hunk left, as we quietly sip on our milkshakes in awkward silence.
               "So how are we going to deal with her, we've never seen her really angry or sad." I exclaim, taking a big sip from my drink. Shiro stares at his drink, before taking a long sip.
               "I don't know, the only time we have was when we originally saved her from the ship." Shiro replies,  as he checks a few things while in his chair. His drink awkwardly held between his two legs, as he leans over it while staring at the screen.
               "She wasn't even really sad or angry, just nervous in all." I state, contradicting his last sentence. He nods his head in agreement, but returns to the screen.
               "Yeah, I have no idea what-so-ever about what to do." Shiro admits, with a sort of grimace on his face. A very unusual for him, but not completely new.
               "So should we just leave her be for now, cause that seems like the only option." I scoff, trying to lighten the mood with a joke. Though, I guess it was an actual question I want to know the answer to, it is a vital one anyways.
               "I guess, like you said. It's all we can do in the mean time, she'll talk when she's ready." Shiro calmly answers, keeping his eyes on the screen. I hope she talks soon.

~~Author's Note~~
               Tired. Pidges POV, happy All Hallows' eve. Goodnight now I'm going to bed. Comment, like, check out my profile and other stories, and follow me. And as they say Gee Wilikers!

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