Chapter 7

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~~Chapter 7~~

~~Words Unspoken~~

"Lotor, what are you here for?" Allura sneers, at him. Shiro quietly moves in front of me, trying to make me unseen from Lotor's eyes.
             "I am here to take back what you have of mine." Lotor calmly responds , but Shiro doesn't even move a single muscle.
            "Oh, you're here to get your knuckle sandwich, because I'm happy to hand it over to you right now." Lance retorts, and starts stomping over to Lotor. Though Hunk holds Lance back, keeping him at a distance from Lotor.
              "Hilarious, but I have to kindly oblige. I'm here for Y/N, and yes I do know she is behind you fool." Lotor states, in a bored tone. Shiro scoots to left of me, but still close enough to deflect any sort of attack. I swiftly turn my head, and look down at my feet. Too scared to look Lotor in the eyes, though I can still feel his gaze burn into me.
              "You won't be getting her, not now and not ever." Allura growls, putting emphasis on the "ever". I look up for a moment, and I immediately regret it. I can see the desperate cry of love Lotor has that just makes me want to comfort him. Oh, quizznack.
               "Are you making a bet, because I could beat you all into smithereens." Lotor sneers, I can feel the fear radiating off of everyone and he scares even me.
               "I will offer you a deal, but that is it." I calmly state, my voice shocking everyone. I look up at him, and struggle to keep my expression blank. His face seemed shocked, and I want to laugh at his odd expression. Though I keep quiet, and I stay completely still.
                 "What is this, deal?" Lotor asks, his eyes glued to me. Like I'm the only thing in the world, and if he looked away. He would surely meet his doom, or even perish.
                   "You get ten minutes with me, only talking. Then you will leave us in peace for the rest of the quintant, no matter what." I comprimise, he seems to be unconvinced. Though something tells me it'll be enough, but I'm still hoping.
                   "Fine, but I get to do whatever I want with you during those ten minutes. Except, obviously take you and leave." Lotor reasons, and I nod my head in agreement. Allura opens her mouth to complain, but I give her a calming smile and she shuts her mouth. I walk forward to Lotor, but pass him as I walk over closer to the ship, I hear footsteps pounding in the ground, and it amuses me thinking that a "soulless" prince was following me like a puppy. I turn when out of view from the group, and am greeted by a warm smile on Lotor's lavender face. I can't help but let mine slip as I stare into his glowing yellow eyes, that are always surprisingly gorgeous.
                 "How are you alive?" Lotor mutter, as he attacks me with a hug. I'm in cased with warmth, as my head hits his armored chest. I don't respond yet, as I listen to his racing heart beat pound in his chest. Though of course have to stop, and I immediately miss his warmth after he stops.
                "I-i got into an escape pod, and landed on a planet. Which Voltron soon found me on." I lie, it shocks me how smooth that lie slipped from me. I look back up at him, and I suddenly realize how close his face was to mine. His breath tickled my nose, and I'm so close I can see little purple freckles sprinkled across his pale-purple skin.
                "I forgot about how absolutely stunning you are, my love."  Lotor whispers, and I smile at his overly-cheesy compliment. I feel my face heat up none the less, and I can see a smirk spread onto his face. I feel the tension and need radiating off of him, but I just stayed completely still. It's been years since I last saw him, but the first thing we do doesn't have to be a kiss. He still leans forward to the point where are noses are touching, and I can feel my heart rate pick up. Our breaths start to clash, and I can my face turning redder if possible. His hand reaches up and starts caressing my cheek gently, and moves the other one to wrap around my waist and pull me closer. My arms just rest on his chest, as I focus on his breathing patterns. In and out, in and out, in and out.
                   "I truly thought you were dead." Lotor exclaims, I can tell he's stalling out of nervousness. Though, I'm kind of glad he hadn't kissed me yet.
                   "I'm here though." I state, I didn't want to ruin what little time we have together. The words were gathering up in the back of my throat, as the need to tell him the truth grows in me. I keep it down though, and continue staring into his radiant yellow eyes. Even as a teen back in the castle he was handsome, all the female Galras were always begging for his attention. Though it amuses me about how even some of the highest class got rejected, because he preferred me a slave over them. Irony is such an amazing thing. I can tell he's getting lost in his own thoughts, as a way of his mind stalling for him.
                       "Am I allowed to?" He asks, I can tell he means to ask to kiss me. So I just smile at him, knowing he'd get that signal as a yes. He doesn't wait another second, and pulls me and inch closer as his lips clash with mine. They were soft like velvet, and he smelt like pure vanilla in a delicious way. I felt fire coursing through my veins as he pulled me even closer in some way. After a minute more, I push away because I need oxygen. I can still feel my lips tingling after the kiss, and I look up to see Lotor with a goofy grin on his face.
                       He looks down at me and says, "You don't know how long I have waited for that.".

~~Author's Note~~
Hey! I probably won't be able to post this often, so consider this a treat. It was so hard to write this chapter, I had to keep stalling and stalling and stalling. Thinking of all those adjectives was hard, my brain hurts. Anyways, don't forget to comment, like, and follow me. And as they say, harpoons! Harpoons! They're better then spoons!

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