Chapter 6

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~~Chapter 6~~

~~One Weapon, Two Weapons~~

"So have you had any training before?" Shiro asks me, we are awkwardly standing in the training room. I nod my head quietly, but don't move a muscle as I just stand there. Pidge is the control room, ready to get the machine up and running whenever. Shiro looks over at Pidge, and signals her to do something, clearly still embarrassed.
   "Pick your weapon of choice." Pidge calmly explains, pulling up a long bar full of different odd weapons. Ranging from axes to a bow and arrow, endless virtual weapons for me toy with. I walk to close to the very end of the row, and grab some simple throwing knives. The grips smooth, yet not slick and the blade shiny and sharp all at once. These were quality virtual knives, and I was impressed about how real they felt in my fragile. Three simple targets suddenly appear, and float on the other side of the room. I take a knife and get in ready positions, hoping I'm not too off. It's been a while since I've had the time to actually train, and I can't help but feel the adrenaline rush through my veins. I throw the blade with all my force, and it lands inches from dead-center of the target. Quizznack, I'll get it next time. I turn to glance at the two's reaction, they seemed to be shocked beyond belief. Their looks amuse me, and I can't help but let a small smirk slip. Though it soon disappears as I remember the harsh truth, if I was back with the Galra and had missed. I would've gotten a harsh beating, one that's worse then imaginable. Maybe to extent where they remove memories, I shudder when thinking about all the blank spaces in my brain that just float around oblivious to everything. I turn back to the targets, focusing every bit of my energy back on them. I again get back into my position, and stare right in the center. I chuck the knife, and it lands right in the center of the holographic target. A wave of happiness rolls over me, and I can't help but let a small smile of victory cover my still frown. I turn to Shiro to see how he reacts, and I'm pleased to see he has a full grin plastered on his pale, human face. The expression oddly makes me even happier, and I'm not scared about it.

   "Ah! Finished with the assessment that quickly!" Koran notices as we walk into the control room, and Shiro nods his head as a response

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   "Ah! Finished with the assessment that quickly!" Koran notices as we walk into the control room, and Shiro nods his head as a response. I'm still weirded out about how over the course of a week, I'm able to miraculously walk again.
    "Pidge and I decided she'll be using throwing knives, and a bit in duel-blading." Shiro explains proudly, and I stare at him with a shocked expression. Duel blading is something I've never considered, but as I let it sink in I understand. Though Pidge explains the plan, before I can figure out the solution.
    "I plan on creating throwing knives that can transform into swords for duel blading, and can teleport back to Y/N." Pidge states, lost in the fluorescent screen again. Koran seems a bit shocked, but keeps his expression surprisingly still compared to his usual insanely huge ones. I hope I can live up to the machine's standards, and actually be able to use the weapon as it's intention.
    "We'll have to visit Balmera to collect a few materials, nothing that's going to damage her a lot." Pidge explains, creating the plans of the weapon on the screen.
    "Next stop Balmera then." Koran states, and starts getting the coordinates of the planet logged into the ship. A lump forms in the back of my throat, as I realize. That I'll have to get out of the only place I've felt safe, to a place which the Galran's used to rule.

      "Hey, Shay!" Hunk yells at the Balmerian, who was examining a rock close to the entrance of a deep cave

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      "Hey, Shay!" Hunk yells at the Balmerian, who was examining a rock close to the entrance of a deep cave. They I'm assuming girl, looks up to see the commotion sees Hunk and her face immediately lights up. Her face glowing with joy and happiness, it radiates and almost makes me smile too. The world of crystals seemed to make her face even more exquisite, and I can't the smile that slips into the corner of my mouth.
      "Hunk, what a surprise! I see you brought friends." Shay, if I'm correct, exclaims as she starts to get up from her position. We decided only to bring the necessary people, but Lance started whining like a five-year old about being alone with Keith. So we had to bring along every, and yet Lance still complained on the walk here.
       "Hello Shay, we have come in asking for a small favor from Balmera." Allura explains politely, not waiting to even reach Shay to explain what was happening.
       "Yes, whatever you need Balmera will be more then happily to give." Shay states in such a melodic voice, like a thousand harps playing at once.
       "We just need the materials written on this list." Pidge mumbles, loud enough to hear, yet still mumbling. She scurries over to Shay, and starts explaining the materials and their uses for my swords. After a few minutes of awkward silence, and Pidge and Shay whispering between them. Shay looks up from the list, and starts making a plan in her mind. All of a sudden her eyes go wide, and she keeps staring at behind me. I feel a wave of worry rush over me, and I stay completely still. Not knowing how to react. The group keeps talking, oblivious to what's happening until. I hear footsteps crunching behind me, and I feel a shiver run down my spine. Who could that be? Allura hears the noise, and turns to how the mysterious person was. I see her jaw drop, and I feel a tug on my arm. Pulling me closer to the group, and I become terrified. Yet I'm too scared to turn and see who it's is, but all is revealed when the person speaks.
      "Fancy catching you here, Voltron." An authorative, yet calm voice sneers, and I immediately recognize the mystery voice. Lotor.

~~Author's Note~~
   Ohhhhh, cliff hanger. Those are always fun, hehehe. Thank you so much for basically 200 reads, its absolutely insane! I won't talk too much, but even if you don't like the story. It's crazy to think you waste your time reading my stupid story. Anyways don't forget to follow me, like, and comment feedback or just stupid things. And as they say, may the force be with you.

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