Chapter 26

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~~Chapter 26~~

I'm clarifying a few things. One, Y/n has never felt romantic love before Lotor so she's very oblivious. There also will not be any self harm because y/n doesn't know what that is.
~~Was it Fate or Stupidity~~
"What could I do now?" I ask myself, still sitting on the bed. The last of my tear slipping down my cheeks, and staining my soaked jeans. The crew had very important things to attend to, so they left me and Matt in the ship. Of course Matt was fixing something, and a I was crying. That sounds pathetic, especially when you say it out loud. What could I do? Lotor's probably wants me dead, so what options were there? I could call him, but he most likely hates me. I mean, I would after that. So what could I do? Nothing, I guess. I stood up from my bed, as brushed myself off. Though, that didn't do anything because the only thing I'm covered with is my own tears.
"How did I end up like this?" I mutter to myself. Shaking my head as I think about the past. My gosh, I was really naive. I start stumbling out the room, a little light-headed after all that crying. I somehow manage to navigate my way to the control room, and plop myself in Pidge's chair. I open up her screen, and radio Shiro.
"Shiro, what's going on currently?" I ask, a bit worried. They've been gone for at least an extra ten minutes. Any time wasted is strange for them, even if it's one minute. I hear the clash of toe things intersecting, and then a loud yelp.
"Oh nothing, just fighting a Lotor who's screaming at us about how it's all our fault while everybody else thinks everything is sunning smoothly!" Pidge sarcastically yells, a long with another clang following it. I hear more mumbled yelling, followed by incoherent cursing.
"Wait did you say to Lotor?" I exclaim, after the shock had set in. I was sitting on the edge of the chair, worry had consumed me.
"Yeah, Sat-I mean Lotor!" Pidge replies, then yells something at Shiro. Lotor yells something inaudible to them, and I hear them yell something back.
"What is he yelling about?" I ask frantically, almost desperately. Pidge grunts in the background noise, and Shiro lets out an exasperated sigh.
"Something about is making you lie, about how we forced you to break him." Shiro answers a bit worn down, I curse under my breath at his sentence. Lotor is very dense, he'll make himself believe anything to make it go his way. So if he wanted to blame my actions on others to make me seem perfect, he will in a heartbeat.
               "Get out of there." I command, fidgeting as I try to relax a bit. Though, all I've done is make myself more anxious.
               "Y/N we will-" Shiro begins, "No you won't, get out of there now. That's an order." I bark. Cutting Shiro off mid-sentence, which left him quiet afterward. I forced myself to relax in the chair, and slouch a bit to ease myself.
               "Fine, we will be back at the ship as soon as possible. The only person with me is Pidge." Shiro explains, as he cuts of connection. I relax a bit more into my chair, and sighed. This is going to be a long day, especially for me.

               "Y/N I'm fi-Ouch!" Pidge yelps, as I gingerly press on the side of her cheek

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               "Y/N I'm fi-Ouch!" Pidge yelps, as I gingerly press on the side of her cheek. Directly where a pretty-decent scab was cut, only maybe an hour old. Blood oozed from it, slowly dripping off and landing on her armor.
               "No you're not, I put little to no pressure on the cut. Yet, you still squeak like a mouse when I do so." I snap, pulling out the first-aid kid. Pidge grumbles something under her breath, and I juts roll my eyes at her. I pull out a disinfectant wipe, carefully ripping the top and pulling it out. I unfold the small wipe, and lightly clean the cut. She flinches immediately at contact, but tries to hide it. I chuckle at her, and continue cleaning it.
               "It's going to sting, and you're going to feel it. So deal with it because I have to buy medication on it that will burn, so get used to it." I explain, throwing the wipe to the side. Pidge groans, throwing her head back dramatically. I laugh at her, lightly shaking my head. I take the medication out, and squirt some out of the odd tube. A small bit lands on my hand, and I gently rub it on the cut with the gel-like substance. Causing Pidge to take a sharp breath, before becoming completely quiet.
               "I didn't think it'd be this freaking bad." Pidge mumbles, through her gritted teeth. I chuckle, and continue to spread the medication on the cut.
               "I told you it would." I respond, rubbing the thin layer of residue on my jeans. Pidge rolls her eyes, but keeps her mouth shut. I take out the bandage tape and actual bandages. I sloppily measure the size I need, and tear the chunk off. I rip a piece of the tap, that does so with a loud screeching-like noise. Which makes Pidge cringe, into a creature that looked like it was born without a spine. I place the chunk of bandage on, and place the tape over it. I give the bandage a light peck, and start putting the supplies away. Pidge rolls her eyes once more, and bounces out of the seat. She mutters something unheard to me, be she obviously heard.
               "All better?" I ask as I pale the bandages back in its original spot. I see out of the corner of my eye Pidge smile, and nod her head the ever-slightest bit.
               "Thanks Y/N." Pidge whispers, barely loud enough for me to hear. Though, I don't think I was meant to hear that. I smile at her goofiness, and click on the latches of the first-aid kit. Thinking about the times I've had to use this thing, thinking about how many times I've had to use it for Lotor. Thinking about how I may never do that again, ever.

~~Author's Note~~
               I don't have anything important to say so like, comment, check out my other stories, follow me on Instagram, and follow me on here. And as they say, Camp Campbell is the place for you and me!

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