Chapter 22

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~~Chapter 22~~

~~Breaking Point~~
"Lotor, we've known each other for all of our lives. Yet you tell me this now? We had on the ship before this chaos happened, we had when you found us at Balmera, you had an time but now." I exclaim, tears running down my pale cheeks. Lotor looks at me shocked, surprised at my reaction.
"Y/N, what are you talking about?" Lotor ask, the color had seemed to drain from his face. I look at him, with an annoyed face.
                 "What am I talking about? You pick a time where we both don't even know what's going on. Back at the Galra empire we had a grip, back on Balmera at least you knew, but know we don't even know what tomorrow will be like." I explain, tears pooling out of my eyes. They're like a never ending river, just like a waterfall of my tears.
               "My love,", I already hated where this was going." Why does that matter? All that matters is that we love each other, and we can be happy." Lotor pleads, his own tears starting to form in his eyes. He does manage to look beautiful when crying, quizznack.
               "Because we are going to get hurt. One way or another, we can't deny it. We both know that in the end I will end up worse then how I started, and you'll end up fixed in no time. I don't want to break more." I whimper, wiping away my tears. Lotor stares at me, looking like he wants to jump through the screen.
               "Y/N, do you know how much it broke me when you first attempted to leave me, or when I heard you were dead. I truly thought the world had ended for me, and I was devastated." Lotor cries, tears starting to slip down his lavender cheeks.
               "Really Lotor, then look at those moments from my perspective. I had to break you, but I couldn't. Yet I still left for you. Multiple times, do you know how guilty I felt? When my mother died and I didn't get to even say goodbye, or when I was locked behind a throne for years. You not even knowing I was there while I just rotted, while everybody just lived their lives! Do you know what that does to one person? No, you don't because you'll never have to live through it!" I cry, somehow talking through my tears. Which hadn't seemed to stop, even as I lash out.
               "I-I though you had crashed on a foreign planet, where Voltron rescued you later on." Lotor stutters, his tears had stopped now. I look at him with an annoyed expression, and rolled my eyes.
               "No Lotor, I was trapped in your father's ship. For who know how long, years! Trapped behind a stupid throne, just living off of guilt. You know the prisoners, well when they got violent I had to deal with them. When I say that, I mean I became a living punching bag. The only person who cared about me was Shiro, and he left. In fact, he doesn't even remember me!" I yell, as Lotor just stared in shock at me. I crumble to the floor, into my ocean of tears.
               "Y/N, I am-" Lotor starts, but then Allura barges into the room. She rushes over to me, and helps me to my feet.
               "Lotor you are so lucky that you are across the galaxy, because if you weren't!" Allura barks at Lotor, taking him aback. Lotor starts to explain, but then Shiro enters the room.
               "Y/N, what happened?" Shiro asks, running over to me. Allura hands me over to Shiro, and keeps yelling at Lotor. Shiro picks me up bridal style, and takes me out of the room. Finally, Lotor has let me go. He will be happy, without me.

              "Lotor is still in the alliance, but he won't be allowed near Y/N

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              "Lotor is still in the alliance, but he won't be allowed near Y/N." Allura states as she enters the lounge. Shiro had brought me in, after the whole event in the control room. I am siting next to Pidge, with my head in her lap.
               "Why did you even keep him in the alliance?" Keith growls, he had gotten back from a mission not too long ago. Everybody except Allura nods their head in agreement, which makes Allura roll her eyes.
               "Lotor was part of the Galra Empire, we have the chance to use him for information. The pros sadly outweigh the cons in this particular situation." Aullra explains, which everybody agrees with. Though, Pidge just snarls and keeps messing with my hair.
               "I don't trust him." Lance growls, which was obviously meant to represent everyone. Allura rolls her eyes again, and sighs.
               "Neither do I, but he's very useful. Lotor could be one of main keys to bringing down the Empirs. Afterwards we won't have to ever see him again, he might not even survive anyways." Allura comprises, which nobody can disagree with. I mean, even I can see where she's coming from. Though, Lotor won't stay away most likely. He always gets what he wants, no matter what.
               "I heard the yelling, did you tell him about Zarkon?" Pidge whispers to me, inaudible for the others ears. She continues fake whispering, to make it seem as if she was comforting me.
               "Yes, I did." I quietly respond, making Pidge's expression go a bit grim. Though, I ignore it. Pidge keeps mindlessly playing with my hair, while I rest in her lap.
               "So what exactly happened in there Y/N?" Lance asks, curiosity getting the best of him. Pidge starts to snap at him, but I smile at her and press my finger to her lips.
               "Something I tried to do a long time ago." I briefly explain, making Lance even more confused.I tried to get him away from me, the only difference is that I succeeded this time. Which is breaking me, but it is for Lotor. At least I know he won't end up like me, he'll be happy. I feel a lone tear slip down my cheek, but I won't in the end.

~~Author's Note~~
               Uh, hey guys! Four chapters in three days, I wasn't that busy this week so. This isn't part two of the flashback, that'll come later. Anyways don't forget to like, comment, check out my other reads, and follow me. And as they say, Dobby is a free elf!"

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