Chapter 10

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~~Chapter 10~~

~~Hard is an Understatement~~
                        I feel darkness consume me, and I let out an ear curling shriek. I curl up into a ball, holding my head down to my chest. My head is throbbing in my skull, I grit my teeth as I keep the next scream down. My hands fisting my hair, pulling out of my scalp. I'm dead, falling into an abyss of darkness forever, and I couldn't do anything. I keep screaming, as it's the only thing I could do at the moment.
"Shiro just do something!" I hear a voice plead, and something touch my shoulder. I'm too afraid to move, so I let it rest there. Curled up in a ball, vulnerable and weak. Just like back in the cell, not the cell. No, no, not there. Please, no please.
"She's not responding, what do I do?" I hear a voice frantically ask, the voice sounded like it was a thousand miles away. Yet it also sounded like they were right next to me, I was going out of my mind. Voices scattered around, bouncing around my skull.
"Should we tell Lotor?!?" Another voice responds, this one more feminine then the others. Could it be Pidge, even Allura? No, they were dead. They all are, all the people I had left in my life are gone. I hear more bickering, but I can't decipher what they're saying.
"Just give her a nudge, just a simple shove." A voice explains, this one still a female yet calmer. I feel myself being shaken, and thrown like a dog. I feel two hands touch my cheeks, oddly warm yet cold to the touch. Something hot and wet abruptly hits my face, like a hot drop of water. Two hands lightly touch the areas around my eyes, and I feel my eyelids be pulled apart. A flash of light enters my vision, which consisted of cold, pure black. Then blurry images enter my view, black, white, orange, purple, but they were still shaking blobs. Suddenly the images start to become clear, and I see details. Eyes, noses, lips, a scar dashed across somebody's nose, large round glasses propped against a person's nose, but I could see perfectly clear.
"She's waking up." The voice with orange, I think the shape was hair. The small details become more clear, and I can finally see faces. Shiro, Pidge, and Allura hovering over me, their faces only inches away from mine. Causing Allura's hair to tickle my cheeks, but I couldn't feel it. Because of Shiro's rough hands rested on my cheeks, a little damp from a few tears I guess I had slipped without noticing. Shiro actually had a few of his own tears slipping down his pale face, and landing on me. I look at Allura's face, which was paler considering how tan she was. Almost as pale as me, but I still was a bit lighter. Pidge looked calm and collective, showing barely to none emotion at all.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Shiro asks, releasing his tight grip on face. Gently letting my head rest in the cold tile floor, making me stare up at the ceiling. I feel my heart racing in my chest, surprised nobody else could hear it. Beads of sweat cling onto my forehead, but stay right there. I hear Pidge mutter something under her breath, but I was too focused on the chaos in my brain to try and decipher what she was saying. I scramble to start getting up, and f I see the others panic as they try to help me to a sitting position.
"Please, be careful." Allura stutters, odd for somebody who was always a calm and collective leader. Who starts lightly rubbing my back, trying to get get me to calm down. Though, it didn't really do anything to ease my nerves. I had to focus with all my power to steady my breathing pattern, taking a few minutes to keep it flowing. Allura removed her hand from my back, and let it rest at her side. Leaving my back feel the ghost of her fingertips, and a chill go down my spine. An odd feeling if relief of her stopping, and uncomfortableness of the aftermath.
"We should get going, Shiro and Lance. Take care of her until we get to the space mall, and Hunk when we get there. You're staying in the ship." Allura commands, as she stands up. Brushing the dust of her skirt, and reaching out a hand for me to grab. I take her hand, and she pulls me up onto my feet. I wobble a bit, until I regain my balance and I shake the wrinkles out if the dress. I can't wait into something other then a dress, they've never been. My first option of clothing, I've always preferred pants or shorts. Though, I do appreciate the offer.
"Why don't we grab you a seat, and then we can get a little training done?" Shiro politely offered, as her started to help me over to a chair. I stay completely still, almost if I was glued there.
"How about we just start now?" I respond, barely loud enough for anybody to hear. Though I was still audible to everybody, somehow. Shiro smiles at me, giving my arm a little squeeze. From his expression, I'm guessing that's supposed to be a warm gesture. So I return the gesture with a polite smile, I hope that's the correct thing to do in the situation. I start walking down the hall, when he lightly taps my shoulder. Making me turn me head, and face him.
"Tag" Shiro states, I stare at him confused and weirded out. What is the thing, it's called "tag"? I keep staring at him, totally befuddled. Then I see his eyes go wide, and his mouth go into an "o" shape.
"Tag, it's a game. You um-you, are trying to get away from the person who's it. The way you become it is by if the person that's currently it taps you, and then you're it." Shiro awkwardly explains, it must be some sort of ritual or special occasion on his planet.
"Well in that case," I say in a serious tone,"tag!". I yell at him, and start racing down the hallway. Him on my heels, and us both laughing as the sounds down the hallway.

~~Author's Note~~
H-hey! New chapter, sorry it took awhile. I'm rewatching Stranger Things for the 3rd time, while editing it. Do you know how hard it is to watch something sad, and not make the story more depressing. I love the ending though, my heart! Anyways little self promo, might wanna check out my other works. Ya know what I'm sayin? You do, don't you. If you liked it don't forget to like, comment, and follow me! And as they say, see you later guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

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