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  "You said I was going to see my mother! Where is she!" I scream at the top of my lungs, hot tears pool from my eyes as I struggle to maneuver my way out of the guards tight grip.
  "Don't worry, you'll see her soon, just not in this particular dimension." Zarkon sneers, and as he starts turning the tip of his cape brushes against my cheek. Collecting some of the tears as the fall down my cheeks. Zarkon starts strutting away, and I suddenly realize. I am doomed, and nobody is here to save me.
  "Lock her in the secret dungeon, and make sure every bit of the news sounds real. We don't want him finding out about this." Zarkon commands, not even stopping in his path as he struts farther away from me. My body is completely numb, and I can't do anything at all to stop my doomed fate. The guards start dragging me down multiple hallways, first right then left then right again. Pushing me around like a rag doll all around the ship. Until we reach a very familiar room, that is known to bring the worst fate across many. The throne room.
  "What are we doing in here?" I cry, as the continue dragging me across the room until we're standing right in front of the throne. The purple light radiating off blinds me as it glows, but I can't turn my head in the position I'm held. One guard takes his free hand, and lightly touches the throne armrest. I'm confused more then anything, but I can't say anything now for my voice is raspy from screaming and crying. Suddenly the door starts to slide, revealing a long, narrow hallway that seems to go on for eternity. We only take a few steps, until I hear a click and a slide. All of a sudden I'm thrown like a toy to the right and my back slams on a hard wall. My body slides to the ground, and I just lay there, to weak to move, to weak to yell, and to weak to concentrate. I hear mutters, and a slam. I listen to the foot steps as they reach further away from my cell, when all of a sudden I hear a slide, and then suddenly nothing. I'm stuck until I die in a cell, to rot and fade away as nothing as they kill my mother and lie to my love. All this just because I'm alive. Oh, quiznack.

~~Authors Note~~
New story!! I've recently gotten into Voltron and ITS TEH BOMB!!! So I decided to write this, next chapter will be uploaded shortly after.😋

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