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My hands were sweaty as I licked my lips slowly, staring down at the test. Should I really? It was almost impossible to be pregnant. After all, we only had sex a couple of times. I couldn't be pregnant. No way. I sighed, rubbing my forehead as I read over its brand for the millionth time. I heard a soft knock on the door before it opened and Nancys head poked in, "Have you done it already?"

I shook my head, "No" I whispered, putting the small box back on the sink next to me as I stared down at the floor. Nancy sighed, nodding her head before closing the door behind her. "Are you sure you're not mistaken?" She asked, leaning her back against the door as she fumbled with the hem of her black shirt that suited her blonde self so well.

Shrugging slightly, I looked at her, "I was suppose to have my period like a week and a half ago or something." I whispered, shivers running down my spine as I just thought about being pregnant. No. "Have you told Jason yet?" She questioned again, kneeling down so we would be on the level. "No!" I raised my voice immediately, fearing that she somehow told him, "Did you?" My eyes fixed on her blue ones.

"No" She shook her head as I sighed in relief. "I can't be, it's just not possible." I mumbled, trying to convince myself that there was no way I would be pregnant. "Did you always take the pill? You told me you're on the pill, right?" Nancy raised her eyebrows, scratching the back of her neck almost awkwardly. "I am and I did." I whispered, putting my hair into a bun. "So" She shrugged, "Then there's actually nothing you should be afraid of."

I hummed, closing my eyes for a second. "Or is there anything?" She asked softly, stroking her knees. I sighed, "I don't know." I mumbled as I glanced up to her when I noticed she was staring at me. "I'm not even sure anymore if I took the pill everyday." I rubed my eyes, my head feeling way too heavy for my small frame. "So it is possible that you didn't take it every morning, evening or." She said, shrugging her shoulders softly.

Shaking my head slightly, I closed my eyes, my head in the palm of my hand. "Just do that test. It will at least give us an answer for now." Nancy suggested as I nodded slightly. "Can you promise me something?" I whispered, looking at her with heavy eyelids. All of this made me so tired. I didn't want to. I just wanted to go back into bed with Jason but he was out working and I was here, fearing that I'm carrying his child.

"Sure, what is it?" She gave me a soft smile as I bit my lip. "Will you not tell Jason?" I mumbled, chewing on my bottom lip. She simply nodded, "But if you really are, you need to tell him, Milena." She added, raising her eyebrows slightly. "I will." I whispered, cracking out a smile. "I will wait downstairs okay? I still have to clean the kitchen because obvioulsy my boyfriend is a horrible cook." She laughed softly causing me to snort and join her.

Nancy waved once more before disappearing, shutting the door again. I still chewed on my bottom lip, my eyes fixed on the small white box next to me again. I swore I took the pill everyday. But all of this made me so unsure that I was horrified that I was caring another human being inside of me. Grabbing the box, I pulled the long stick out which somehow reminded me of a thermometer. So if I threw it away after trying it, Jason wouldn't notice. Right? It wasn't like he was digging around in our trash.


I put the stick under myself before forcing myself to pee. And it was actually the first time I realized that you couldn't pee under constraint. I laughed softly over my thoughts, squeezing my eyes shut. Thankfully, I was able to do it after waiting for a few. Sighing, I pulled it back up, putting it onto the sink yet again. Waiting was actually very easy for me but it seemed like impatience was playing a big role when it was about being pregnant or not. I bit my lip several times, feeling blood already coming out of it as I glanced at the test every once in a while.

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