Dirrty Dirrty

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Sinking into the water, I rested my head on Jasons shoulder, closing my eyes immediately as a soft moan escaped my lips. It was weird that I relaxed this fast yet one huge reason could had been that I was feeling safe and secure in his arms. He insisted on keeping his boxers on as I was bare right in front of his eyes. Not that I cared anymore after yesterday.

"How are you?" He whispered into my ear, his fingertips caressing my sides underwater. "Okay" I breathed out, the warm water covering my whole body. He sighed, "I didn't mean to say what I said. I was just... frustrated." He mumbled, stroking my lower stomach. "Frustrated that you didn't kill someone?" I asked in disbelief, not sure why he would be frustrated.

Jason sighed again, basically giving me the answer I needed. "You are nowhere better than Tyson if you're dong the same as he did." I explained, hoping he would somehow understand and accept the fact that one has to be the smarter one and stop. And I wanted that to be him so desperately. "What am I suppose to do? Let him feed me with bullshit?" He growled as I stroke my hair out of my face.

"No," I sighed, opening my eyes, "But ignoring him will piss him way more off than trying to get at him. Besides, what am I suppose to do when you're in jail?" I raised my eyebrows, turning my head to look at him as he bit his lip. "We would look weak if we didn't do anything." He mumbled, licking his lips after. I shook my head, "No, you would look mature. You're not 12 anymore where you need to hurt the other back."

He kept quiet for a few seconds before his hand moved up, brushing over my breasts until he captured my chin with his fingers, turning my head back up. Pressing his lips on mine, I moaned softly at the unexpected move, raising my hand to caress his neck. Nibbling on my bottom lip, the both of us pulled away after a minute, the lack of air getting in between us.

"We will back off at least until the battles are over. I don't want 24/7 stress before it." Jason said, his hand stroking my side again as I leaned my forehead into the crook of his neck. "Milena, I'm sorry for what I said. I know you're still mad." He whispered into my head as I listend to his heartbeat. "I am because I don't want to be treated like that." I mumbled, a short pain shooting through my body as the memory came back up.

"I can treat you better than that." He added quickly, his nose brushing against my skin causing a shiver to run through my whole body. "Wanna watch a movie?" He questioned, his thumb rubbing my skin as I nodded quickly, turning my body until I was able to look at him. Placing my hand on his cheek, I leaned in until he gave me a passionate kiss.

Moving my lips against his ones, we pulled away when his phone vibrated as he groaned. Glancing at it, I couldn't help but look as well when I recognized that someone was calling him. "Studio" He mumbled, putting his phone back down before resting his hands on my waist. "It's work." I whispered, looking at him as he shrugged.

"You're more important." Jason muttered, giving me one more long kiss, taking a deep breath after he pulled away. "Stay here for a few minutes until I come and get you okay?" He licked his lips, raising his eyebrows in process. Nodding, I gave him a small smile, letting him get out of the tube as I leaned back again, closing my eyes.

However, I opened them again when I heard him laugh, "Enjoying yourself pretty much?" He smirked as I smiled softly, "Thanks to you." I remarked until I felt a towel hit my head, my hair falling into my face. "Ouch!" I laughed, seeing him laughing as well as I opened my eyes until he disappeared. Sighing, I relaxed once more, my hands resting on my thighs underwater.

A small knock on the door interrupted my time though as I glanced at the watch, realizing I was in my own world for the past 8 minutes. The door opened as Jasons head peeked in, "You coming?" He smirked softly as I nodded, standing up, the coldness hitting my body instantly. Shivering, I grabbed a towel, turning to him, "Help me?" I used my puppy eyes when he laughed, closing the door behind him.

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