Chapter 13

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My mind can't comprehend what is happening. A young man stood infront of me. His blonde hair, short and slightly messy, his eyes bright green and confused, his jeans and shirt neat and intact. As the words left his mouth, I died a little. Hallucinations. I knew not to have come here. He took a step forward and I moved back.

"Aphrodite, its me. Please don't run." He said. His voice sounded the same.....just like old times. I have had hallucinations this time, but none as vivid as this. 

"You stay away from me! You're not real! Bruce, can you see him?!" 

"Yes, Aphrodite. I can." Bruce replied, maintaining his calm nature. Suddenly the young man reached for my arm but I flinched and moved before he touched me. His expression crumbled...he just looked torn.

"Please...its me. The man, he calls himself Xenos....he brought me back, somehow." He told me. I knelt on the ground and searched the floor till I found a twig. I pushed it infront of me, moved back and used it to poke his face. I jabbed at his belly and arms till I was satisfied. I realized my face was wet and tears were literally pouring down my face. Then, he moved first. His arms circled me fast and tight, it was hard to breathe. I stood in shock for a while. 5 years. I hadn't felt this in 5 years....slowly my body unfroze and I leaned into his embrace and hugged him as tight as possible. We were  both sobbing at this point. Our shoulders shaking, his tears soaking my hair, and mine, his shirt. We hadn't hugged so intensely since we were very little....the time he had gotten lost in the woods and I feared for the worst...

"I missed you...I missed you so much." I sobbed into his chest. I had too many questions, but I saved them for later. This moment was beyond comprehension.

"I missed you more, Aphrodite. You have no idea how it felt to be alone." 

"Please don't leave me again." I pleaded as he stroked my hair.

"As long as I'm still here, I won't." He replied. I was too choked up to say anything else, I just held him close. It was the only moment I was glad Xenos existed. After what felt like decades, I pulled away from the embrace. 

"I have...I have a question. I know it sounds stupid, but do you have abilities?" I asked. His eyes widened at my question and just when I was about to triumph about my earlier claim, he let out a defeated sigh.

"I just found out about it a few hours ago. It's fire." He said. I gasped. "I know...I was shocked as well. Plus I know you've got superpowers too...he told me about it." He added and smiled.

"We're you-I mean does he know you're here right now?" I asked.

"Probably. I wasn't supposed to speak to you at all....but I couldn't help it. I have to go now, I'm bound to do as he's what's keeping me alive." He said sadly then sighed. We hugged again and sighed, then smiled like there was no tomorrow. "One more question though, why are you hanging around that guy?" He asked and pointed at Bruce, who shrugged. 

"Right. Bruce Wayne. See, its a long story, but he's not as bad as you think." I said.

"I don't like the idea of you with that guy, he can't be good news for your reputation." 

"Seriously. He's-Ares!" I suddenly exclaimed. He began to sink into the ground but the surprising part was that he wasn't shocked. He only sighed and growled.

"I've over spent my time. Aphrodite, just know if I begin to act odd, its all him. Love you, sis." He said as his head went beneath ground.

"Love you too, bro." I replied and touched the spot where he'd just disappeared. I sat there silently then I started laughing. I hadn't laughed like this for years....I laughed so hard, the guard came back to check on us. 

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