Chapter 48

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"Macedon? Arria?" Aphrodite called out as the spirit realm materialized around her.

"Aphrodite." A female voice replied calmly. Arria appeared before her and Macedon showed up a few seconds after.

"Hello, child." Macedon greeted with a smile that made his aged eyes twinkle. Aphrodite stood with her eyebrows raised and her arms folded looking between her two predecessors.

"What's with this strange vibe I'm getting?" She asked and pursed her lips while maintaing her suspicious stance.

"What exactly do you mean?" Arria asked as she and Macedon shared a mischevious and somewhat uncomfortable stare.  Aphrodite continued to look at them, now feeling confused.

"I'm not sure if this is the way you two begin the judging process regarding all that happened yesterday-" Aphrodite began to say.

"You did well." Arria said aloud, cutting her off. Aphrodite gasped and then smiled.

"Thank you, that means a lot coming from you." She replied respectfully.

"I thought you handled the situation perfectly especially when you let go of your fears as we advised you. I am very proud of you. You are definitely a more compassionate individual than I am." Macedon told her.

"Thank you, I appreciate that." She replied but just before she was about to speak again, she recalled the last part of his sentence. "Wait, why did you say I was more compassionate?" She inquired.

"I said so because I would not have had any restraint with him." He replied plainly with a slight shrug.

"And neither would I." Arria added with her own nonchalant shrug. Aphrodite just stood there looking between two of them feeling both shocked and understanding.

"I wanted to kill him." She confessed venomously. "I wanted to break his neck, drain his blood, and blast his worthless carcass to pieces but I didn't. Partly because I didn't want to lose control and kill again ." She finished and Macedon placed a firm hand on her shoulder to comfort and reassure her.

"Each of us have had to face our own adversities and have had full control over the decisions we made and the actions we took. If you are confident in your decision, that is all that matters. You and your mates punished him adequately for his crimes without having to kill. No matter what, we will always be proud of you." He told her and she realized a few tears had slipped out of her eyes. She wiped her face and deeply thanked her mentor for his words.

"I will admit that I was incredibly shocked that you were able to return to your body without having to bring you back here. I do not know what else to call it but a miracle. You have been truly blessed and favored because I know that transformation can and has claimed a life before." Arria commented.

"Thank you once again, Arria. I honestly didn't think I could either. It was such a breathtaking transformation  that is still leaving me in awe. Never in all my life did I ever dream of such a magnificent thing happening to me. I'm still overwhelmed with emotion." She gushed and exhaled happily then wiped a few more stubborn tears. "I felt like I was gonna die when I returning. Such agonizing pain...the intensity was almost unbearable." She added and shivered upon the memory.

"And yet you bared the pain like a true hero. In the process, you earned your stripes and your new burden." Arria sighed causing Aphrodite's bright expression to falter.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2015 ⏰

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