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As I smiled I remembered the reason why I gave everybody the name Nemo. "Wait a second, are you Andy?" Tucker asked me as I told him, "I don't have a name." "Then what do we call you?" Church asked with confusion as Cabosse suddenly asked, "Can we call him puddle?" Tucker now told him annoyed, "Dude we're not calling him that, he's not a dog!" In that moment I started to laugh since this scene reminded me so much of how I first met my family. After I composed myself, I explained to them that since I was a mercenary it's best for me not to have a name but I immediately thought of New York's goal for me when we first became friends. However you may call me Nemo. I told them as they started looking for the real Andy. However my thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice asking, "Hey whatcha doing?" I turning my head to see Tucker walking towards me, "Just thinking. What about you?" I asked as he took a seat next to me, "Do you ever wonder why we're here?" "Again with that lame question?" "Sorry for asking." He muttered sarcastically as a laughed while laying back, "How's this?" "What do you think we're going to do next? He now laid beside me asking, I'm pretty sure we've done everything out there." "Really?" I asked now turning towards him as he said, Let's see, time travel, time machine, end of the word, saving the world, being bad ass- "You haven't done that yet." "Bite me." "I don't know what you have." "Fair. He then started listing off again, cyborg, uh," "Is that it?" I asked cocky as he told me, "Shut up i'm thinking! robots, um A.I.'s uh let's see." "Can't think of anymore?" I asked while smirking. "Shut up! Well fine I can't. I laughed, then said, Maybe we've done everything maybe not? Oh I gave birth-a guy gave birth, that's one." I laughed again then told him, "Nice." "Thanks, man." He told me as I sighed before thinking of what awaited us hopefully it wasn't too strange or harmful but maybe just enough excitement to bond us closer as a troop and a family.

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