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(How they look, see through and kind of shocky)

Inside a laboratory stood two men watching as a small barely visible figure stepped out. "Hello, do you know who you are?" One of the man asked the small light green figure. "I'm the alpha. Who are you?" "No you're wrong. Your name is Zeta you've been in an accident so may have some memory lost." The other man replied smoothly. "Are you a doctor?" She asked in a rude tone. In a way yes. answered the other man. The female figure "Zeta" frowned as they told her it was her birthday today. Once they took her away they started the process once again to reveal a new figure this time a male, "Hello do you know you name?" "Y-Yes it's Alpha isn't it?" Both men smirked deviously at the dark green colored figure thinking that he would be easier than the others, "No it's Upison and today's your birthday." "Is it?" He asked but then shuddered, "It must be birthdays are nice aren't they?" "Yes they are." After he was gone they begin it again, the next was another male as barely visible as the other two however like "Upison" his color was changed to purple, the two men told him the same thing as the last two now he told them, "No i'm the Alpha." However the two men managed to convince "lambia" of their lie. Once again the new figure emerged this time a female they told her the same thing as the others but she told them, "You shouldn't keep on with this otherwise it will hurt you in the end." After they told the figure her name they went to the next one, a black male figure who seemed out of life. The next one was surprisingly knowing if there intuitions, "If I may say please don't continue down this road just move on." His voice was calm and clear as ever even surprising the men as he just smiled at them the grey male was eventually put away afterward the dark skinned man tuned towards his superior asking,  "What do you want to do with tau, upison, omikron, lambia, zeta and kappa, director?" They will be used as test A.I. chips, councilor." "Do you have a team in mind?" "Yes, send in agent Kansas as well as the other five he works with." "Yes sir." The counselor said as the director sat in his chair thinking....

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