Chapter Ten: Surprisingly Likeliness

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(Name: Jane Masters, Tennessee without armor, Age: Seventeen)

                                                             Missippi's POV

Once everything had cleared we took our partners then headed towards our rooms for bed however Kansas told us you guys have to share our rooms with them. I smiled happily. "Yay! Now we can get to know each other better!" That's what I was going to say!" The pink colored soldier said excitedly as his friends groaned, "Oh great there's two of them now." "Oh don't be like that, Sarge. I'm sure your roommate will nice too." He told the red soldier cheerfully I just smiled then said, "Come on, let's get ready before lights are out!" He quickly took my hand and I lead him to our room, "This is our room, but I also share with agents Tennessee and Nevada." "That's cool, but hey do you have clear nail polish?" "Because mines chipping away terribly." "Yeah, "Ooh you want to do makeovers?" "Totally!" He chirped 

                                                             Nevada's POV

As I walked to our room with our guests Tennessee thought it would best to set some ground rules. I agreed with her there since I don't want these guys trying anything. However Missi left with the pink guy and when we approach the door I could hear her telling him, "No, please I don't want to." "Aw come on it will be fun." I looked at Tennessee with worry as she kicked the door open yelling, "Get your hands away from her!" "Why? Missi asked confused I looked up to see her covered in a green mask with her nails painted." "What the hell?" I said confused as Tennessee asked her, "Missi, What's going on here?" "And where's Donut?" Asked the yellow guy. "I'm right here." A voice called out, the soldier in question came out of our bathroom wearing the same green mask as Missi but his nails were clear,
"Somebody tell me what's going on now!" Tennessee commanded angrily so Missi told her, "Well Donut and I are having a sleepover." Then what was with the screaming? I asked her suspiciously, "Oh that, he wanted me to try his mask recipe but I didn't really want to since it smells weird but it's actually doing greatness on my skin." "Why does everyone like Donut?" Asked red guy as his partner replied, "I don't know may's his pink armor draws them in?" "It's not pink! It's lightish red!" Missi and the pink guy screamed. "Are you serious, Missi? It's obviously pink." I asked her as she told me, "No, It's not! Donut explained to me differences." I just rolled my eyes, "Oh sure, the differences. Let just get to bed already." I muttered while crawling in then falling asleep. 

                                                                 Tennessee's POV

I awoken to the sound of my alarm clock, I clicked it off then turned over to check on my team mates. Missi and "the lightish red" soldier were fast asleep together, I shook my head at her but Nevada was a almost hanging off the bed like usual however the maroon soldier was sleeping in a corner with the orange one I'm in charge with. I sighed before getting my body suit on then I walked over to them, I nudged him with my foot he groaned but did nothing until I did it harder, "Ow! what?" "Get up, i'm leaving." "Why does that involve me?" "I'm in charge of you so move it!" I commanded he eventually got up and we went to the training room. "Why are we doing here again?" He asked bored. "I'm training." I told him however appenty agent Carolina took over the training room again. "Not again." I muttered annoyed, I made my way to her as the yellow soldier followed me. "Hey Carolina, you can't hog the training room!" "What are you doing?" The yellow soldier asked fearfully but carolina turned around telling me, "What did you say?" "You heard me. We glared at each other as if it were challenge to move aside. "You know what! Screw this! I'm going to leave before I get killed!" "You're not going anywhere." "See, your soldier is insorbanic." I glared telling her, "Fuck off!" Then went to see where that soldier went however I found him he was looking at the snack machine hungrily. "What are you doing?" I asked as he said, "Trying to get something to eat." I just rolled my eyes before asking him, "So what does lazy good for nothing soldier like you get all the way here?" "Well that's a way to say hello but as Donut told you guys we just woke up here." I frowned not believing him due to the fact I felt he was hiding something however I made my way outside. He followed me to where I told him, "Now you and I are going to spare." "Yeah, I already had my ass kicked by you yesterday so no thanks." That wasn't a request it was an order." "Man are all you freelancers so demanding." I frowned but told him, "Fine! I'll just do it by myself." As I trained I heard him ask me, "So why does that guy with the yellow armor not like you?" "California. Use his name and as for my relationships with my comrades is none of your business." "Geez, I was only trying to start a conversation." I sighed knowingly that if I was going to try and get anything out of him I had to at least try to be nice.

                                                                    Grif's POV

"You asked if Hey California doesn't get along with me correct?" Yeah? I asked confused she sighed telling me, Besides agent Kansas and Nevada I'm the only other oldest in our team out of the younger three, Cal is the most immature. "Then why's he in the army?" I asked thinking of Kaikaina. "Despite his immaturity California is a very skilled shoot as well as communications when it comes to it." "Then why does he hate you?" He doesn't hate me he just is annoyed by my, She paused for a moment to think then said, by my assistance, per say." That and accent annoys him." "What's that?" I asked since her british accent wasn't as annoying as Wyoming's was. "Ever since we were assigned with agent Alabama he has been annoyed with overly cheerful people with accents." "What does that have to do with you?" I asked a bit bored. "Agent Mississippi and I do not make a good pair when it comes to agent California." "Oh." I said with a nod. 

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