Chapter Fifteen: The Mission {Part One}

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(Agents Maine and Wyoming)

                                                                                 Missippi's POV

"Are you fucking kidding me?" "Yeah, what are these assholes doing here!" As cal and the blue soldier argued I asked Donut so why doesn't your friend's mind the other agents?" "Huh? Oh you  mean Wyoming and the Meta?" "Meta?" "Oh it's a long story do you want to hear it?" "Are they both long stories?" "Yeah but it's really good especially when-" "Um Donut do you mind shortening it?" "Okay, he told me sadly but told me, "Well actually Cabosse knows more than I do since he was there. Hey Caboose!" "Yes, Major danish?" "Can you help me explain to Missi." "Okay! Well Wyoming was mean to taxes." "He means Texas. "Wait, why would  I thought confused however I let him he also wanted Tucker's kid wait who's Tucker?" "He's the guy in aqua armor." "Oh wait he has a kid?" "Yeah Doc helped and Nemo was there to hold his hand I stayed far way with Andy because I didn't want to catch pregnancy." "Wait, so let me get this straight, your teammate who's a man had a baby? That doesn't make sense men can't have babies! Can they?" "It was an alien baby!" "I'm not sure what to think of that. I said even more confused as Donut said. "From what I was told, aliens can get men pregnant." "Okay then, so what agent Maine have to do with this?" "Oh the Meta? He and agent Washington teamed up almost killed me then from what I heard trapped Tex and Church in some kinda tube thing. Is that all Caboose?" "You forgot the part about Church being in a giant ball then stupid Tucker having aliens attack us for losing him then Nemo went home with us. The end." I wasn't sure if this was real or imaginary so I asked, "So who's Nemo?" "Him." Caboose told me while pointing to New Mexico. I was even more confused since Rookie was scared of these men. "Uh he doesn't really have a name." I told them but Caboose just told me, "Oh he does. He tells us later." I sighed wondering is Kansas was getting anywhere with Tucker or Cal.

                                                                              California's POV

I notice the boring guy was agreeing with me so I told him, "This doesn't change anything." "Fine." He told me with a shrug as we tried to convince Kansas that this was a bad idea it kind of backfired because he snapped. 

                                                                                  Kansas's POV

"That's it! I said to watch your language, California. You! I pointed to the teal soldier, Stop acting like a child towards my comrades and you two! I yelled after they comparing me to carolina's temper, Do you know a way we can get in?" "Yes sir, of course." Maine then growled I then asked, "What did he say?" "Oh um nothing, mate. Anyways we can get inside using an air vent however to adios unessiry conflex only one of us should go in." "How big is the vent?" "About five by nine however it's near the water so it's probably rusty and wet?" "Hmm, I think we should use Mississippi since she's smallest out of all us here." "That could work, but then what about the rest of us? What do you do?" "Not a problem mate, the vent leads right to the room with the computer all she needs to do is put the drive in then get out we're just a distraction." "Shouldn't someone be with her for back up?" I asked worried for her safety. "Two people might be a risk." "I think it might be a risk worth taking for the safety of my team. I told him sternly he was quite for a moment then said, "Very well who's the second smallest?" "Mississippi was the second smallest on my team the first is on an exercise training." "Well then that's a pediment." I now walked over to the red and blue soldiers asking, "Out of all of you, who is the smallest?" "Um isn't that a personal question?" Asked the orange one, at the moment Maine and Wyoming started laughing as I faced palmed, "That's not what I meant, Let me try mate." "What he's trying to say is out you lot, who's the smallest in size bodywise?" "Why should we tell you? The turquoise soldier snapped as his comrades and Missi tried to calm him down. 

                                                                         Simmon's POV

"Tucker please stop!" Begged one of the freelancers, Mississippi, I think her name was. I now grabbed Tucker by his shoulders telling him, "Look Tucker, believe it or not we're really are in the past. ""These are really past freelancer and you technically yelled at people who didn't have any fucking clue why!" Added Grif "Wh-What? How do you- When know that?" He asked confused, "Alma radioed Caboose earlier. He's working on a way to bring us back with the lutentes but we have to patients." I told him as Mississippi asked, "Oh that reminds me, you never told me who Alma is?" "Uh.." 

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