Chapter Eighteen: Fear Makes you Act Out

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(A quote to match "Rookies" worries and song to match what his future friends and team mates are feeling about him)

                                                                      Missippi's POV

When we walked in I could tell something was wrong. Tucker and Cal were sitting on the couch playing video games but I could hear Kansas and New Mexico fighting, "-I can't do it!" "Can't or won't?" I heard Kansas asked as New Mexico yelled out with tears, I failed Oliver! is that what you want to hear?! I failed! i didn't want to go! I don't want to to this but I did and look what happened?! "Rookie it's not-" "People are dead! And it's all my fault!" I was worried now he never yelled at Kansas before. I could feel someone hugging me from behind. I looked up to see Tennessee watching with worry as Nevada tried to control the reds and blues. "New Mexico!" Kansas tried but he yelled sadly, "I don't want to hear it!" Before going into the boys room. 

                                                                          Tucker's POV

"What's wrong with Nemo? Asked Caboose confused when I heard California said, "Just leave him alone. He just needs to punch a wall and get over it." "You're so insensitive!" Cried Nevada as he shrugged. He just needs to stop being sensitive." "And you need to start being smart." "Enough! Kansas commanded then told us, Nobody's going anywhere fighting. So stop as for New Mexico leave him alone. I'm sure he doesn't want any company right now." "I told you." california muttered as i told him, "Enough!" "Yes sir." I heard him mutter respectfully he then turned toward me, "Tucker was it? May I speak to you?" "Uh sure?" I said he then led me to hallway once he stopped he asked, "If I may ask, what made you stand up for me?" "Well you kinda remind me of friend of mine." I told him honestly he was quite for a bit until asking, "Are you two close?" "Yeah he was actually one of my friends." "I'm sorry for your lost." "Thanks." I told him as he said, "Those who stray from us always have a funny way of returning." I scoffed a bit telling him, "That was stupid." He just laughed telling me while shrugging, "I guess it didn't happen yet." "What do you mean it didn't happen?" I asked while running after him as he chuckled walking back to the others.

                                                                                    Donut's POV

I was worried about little Alma I mean even know he doesn't know who we are he's still our friend. "I'm going to go talk to him." "Really pinky?" Asked California, "It's not pink it's lightish red! I said upset along with Missi then told him, Besides it's not first time i've taken one for the team." As my team groaned in pleasure I went inside little Alma's room. "Hey agent New Mexico? I suddenly heard familiar crying sounds so I asked, Are you okay?" "I'm fine! J-Just leave me alone!" H spoke quickly and quietly. "Nonsense! All you need is to talk it out and i'm expert in all kinds of mouths." I told him happily as he told me, "What? Never mind! Pl-Please just go away!" "Aw come on, Nemo." I tried when suddenly he yelled, "Stop it! Just stop! Why are you acting you know me? You don't! I don't know any of you! So stop acting like it!" "N-Nemo-" I tried worriedly but he yelled again but this time I could see him crying, "And stop calling me that! I don't have a name so just stop already!" He now ran from the room. I tried to go after him but was stopped by his comrades. "What did you do to him?!" Nothing. I was just trying to help." I tried as California said, "We told you to leave him alone!" "Hey! Don't yell at him!" Simmons told him defending me as Nevada said, "Then you shouldn't have been bothering our team mate!" suddenly we heard a voice yell out, "Enough!"

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